Element girls
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:32pm
Thread Topic: Element girls
(Msp not map,stupid autocorrect)
( Marcy can you go to x men please )
(Let's begin)
( ya)
Alex woke up ie what did I miss? -
"Well Esme found us and said something about the angels attacking,we have to find rein."
Where do you think our amigo has gone tis crazy man!
"I believe,she has been left behind at the village." Starlight says.
We got to go! Wait hold the call on the uh phone angels are attacking but I'm weak against light especally
We will have to fight back at sunset,that when you are strongest.we can hide until it becomes nighttime,and maybe if we win,they will give us our memories back!,is it a good plan?" Starlight asks.
(Hey wait I got a random question,how old are you really?)
Yeah or we could add fog miss fire
"What?,what do you mean by that?"
Then you have the most cliched personality ever. And that's coming from someone who enjoys burning ants amongst other things that I will not mention .-.
Also, what type of crazy? Details are important.)) -
(I'm not crazy crazy.but I am smart,I'm not lying.I go to pace,math team,AND spelling bee at my school.In pace last Thursday we had to memorize 52 cards in the correct order,I memorized 41,I got first place.but we studied only for an hour and it was the hard kind of cards like ace of spades and three of diamonds,I have a good memory.anyway in pace when the pace teacher called my name I got so excited,I jumped up and my hand accidently went in the pencil bucket and my hand got stabbed by a pencil,that's an example of my craziness,but my craziness is mostly my overexcited brain,so in conclusion out of a scale from one two ten I'm probably a seven or eight.man!that was a lot of typing!)
Ok flame this place up esme get water an put it out bam smoke and I can work with that!
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