- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:31pm
Thread Topic: DragonClan
Age: Medieval times, approx. 1,200,000,000 years after the world formed. (400,000 years after in TemporaClans kingdom)
World name: Azeroth (Ref)
Secondary World name: Vortex of Souls, Past Azeroth
Plot: Dragons of differing clans competing to survive.
ShadowClan - This medium-sized cluster of dragons are easily the stealthiest and the sneakiest, making the absolute best in assassins, and have a rather large array of shadowy magic. They are not the best at melee combat, but make up for it in swell aerial maneuverability. They are also usually extremely cunning, yet scarcely loyal.
MudClan This small-sized group of dragons are the greatest and strongest at melee combat. In general, they lack finesse in the air, but make up for it in smashing punches and strong wings made for clasping and grasping. They also have a large abundance of healing abilities, being native to the pure wild.
CrystalClan This large hoard of dragons are the most intelligent dragons, and also have the largest plethora of magical capabilities of any Clan. They are great in aerial combat/movement, but lack real physical prowess.
BloodClan This huge hoard of dragons are the most vile, savage, and cruel dragons out there, even beating out the ShadowClan, which is saying some-thing. They are only moderately skilled in any area of combat, but their ability to call upon strange, powerful entities at will make them quite formidable.
HarmonaClan This small band of dragons are the mercy of the lands. They are, by far, the most eye-pleasing dragons to grace the lands. They are also quite intelligent, and are pacifists. Mostly, any-ways. Rather than directly defend them-selves, they use a huge pool of pacification and illusion/control spells/abilities to turn their enemies. They are relatively weak, but are quite graceful in the air.
GustClan This moderate-sized clan are extremely versatile in the air, and also the fastest, by air or land. They are actually much weaker than most other clans, and only have a small set of wind-related spells to choose from, which is why they are scarcely caught not riding the winds.
LavaClan This large hoard of dragons are second in strength only to the dragons of the MudClan, but are nearly terrible in flying, mainly due to their rather puny wings, which are really only there to fan them-selves. They have little skill in magic, but rather use dangerous inventions to destroy others.
SeaClan This vast kingdom of dragons have a unique ability; Rather than flying, their wings are built to propel and control currents of water. They can breathe both thin air and through thick water, due to their unique lung/gill hybrid. They are great in the art of magic, giving some dragons in CrystalClan a rather risky duel. They arent incredibly puny, but they are certainly not strong, and can-not fly. They are also considered hydras vs. dragons.
TemporaClan This incredibly large utopia of dragons are the most curious and unsocial to others in the world. It is almost unheard of to catch a TemporaClan dragon to interact with another dragon, unless in direct conflict or occasional stares. They are mediocre in all aspects of combat, slightly less powerful than the BloodClan, but their unique, strange, and debilitating ability to control the aspects of time make them arguably the most dangerous.
ShadowClan The dragons of the ShadowClan live in high mountains, that are always extremely jagged and also very dangerous to live on, but they just YOLO it. The mountains are very black and seem to reflect very little and at times even none light. They are protected by a magical sphere that makes them and their constructions invisible to foreigners eyes.
MudClan The dragons of the MudClan live in the very center of the world, in the most luscious and damp forests in all of Azeroth. Vines, humungous trees, and slicked plants of varying styles and sizes litter the area. It is protected by a magical sphere that miraculously heals non-foreigners, and keeps the plant life rejuvenated and near-immortal.
CrystalClan The genius dragons of the CrystalClan live in a huge network of caves that span the middle-eastern planes of Azeroth. Huge crystals and gems of varying sizes give the cave a omnipresent glow, lighting the way for dragons. In some areas, the cave has natural (and dug) holes that act as wells to the great seas. This also allows some hydras of the SeaClan to interact with dragons of the CrystalClan. A magical sphere surrounds the cave, which greatly boosts CrystalClans dragons (giving elites powers that would rival a Demigod, and the leader a Gods power), while severely weakening foreigners magical abilities.
BloodClan The savage and vile dragons the BloodClan live in vast planes spread across the entire world, but are primarily located in the southern regions. Many skeletons (Of both dragons and humans) litter the planes, and cactuses also. In certain areas, in the more populous areas, rejuvenating oasis litter the area, giving BloodClan members the ability to survive. They are surrounded by a low-wielding magical sphere that drives foreigners hastily insane by inflicting upon them horrid illusions, intense pain, and extreme drought.
HarmonaClan These beautiful and kind dragons live in the highest plateaus existent in Azeroth. Due to this, they are often visited by the dragons of the GustClan, whom often mate with them (Just had to throw that out there.). They are protected by a magical sphere that pacifies enemies, and totally manipulates lesser foes.
GustClan These long, quick dragons nest in both the highest mountains and floating, solid skies. They drink by visiting the wells on/in/near the mountains, and usually carry large amounts of water with them to the skies. They are protected by a magical sphere that creates gusts so strong that it makes it nearly impossible for foreign dragons to enter, or leave.
LavaClan The dragons of the LavaClan live in extremely harsh climates, where water is either terribly scarce or simply non-existent. They can be found in fields of super-heated springs, by volcanoes, and, for the mighty ones, even in the hottest of volcanoes. They are protected by a magical sphere that turns lesser foes immediately in-to ash, but only makes mighty dragons feel hot.
SeaClan These slippery, finned hydras live where-ever oceans or seas may be found. Most can live in all but the deepest of seas, and mighty hydras can even live on the bottom of the Deep Sea, which takes some frikkin skills and endurance, yo. They are protected by a magical sphere that increases the gravity ten-fold for foreigners, which almost always leads to their watery demise.
TemporaClan These strange dragons live virtually every-where. Desserts, oceans, skies, mountains, plateaus, and even, albeit rarely, the jungles in which the MudClan dragons are so protective ofg. How-ever, it is rumored that they have an entire world conquered, which may be the distant past or future of Azeroth.
ShadowClan: Greatly increased Stealth, increased Manna, increased Aerial Finesse, weaker Melee Proficiency.
MudClan: Greatly increased Spirituality, greatly increased Melee Proficiency, lower Aerial Finesse, weaker manna, greatly decreased Stealth.
CrystalClan: Greatly increased Manna, increased Spirituality, increased Aerial Finesse, greatly decreased Melee Proficiency.
BloodClan: Increased Scale Durability, increased Spirituality, ability to summon from the Vortex of Souls.
HarmonaClan: Increased Melee Proficiency, increased Manna, increased Spirituality, increased Stealth, greatly decreased Melee Proficiency.
GustClan: Greatly increased Aerial Finesse, increased Stealth, decreased Melee Proficiency, decreased Spirituality.
LavaClan: Greatly increased Scale Durabiltiy, greatly increased Melee Proficiency, greatly decreased Stealth, terrible Aerial Finesse. -
SeaClan: Greatly increased Spirituality, greatly increased Manna (But certainly not like CrystalClan), increased Stealth, decreased Melee Proficiency, terrible Aerial Finesse, ability to greatly swim and breathe underwater.
TemporaClan: Increased Aerial Finesse, ability to manipulate time.
(These are the primary colors of the individual clans, which may be swapped. How-ever, the Primary Colors (The first color of the set) are meant to stay the same. Also, tips on the color pattern. The first color is the basic skin of the dragon and the color of its flames. The second is wing flaps, Claws, main horns, etc. The third color is Under-belly skin, extra horns/claws, and eyes.)
ShadowClan: Black/Purple/Dull Gray
MudClan: Green/White/Tan
CrystalClan: Blue/White/Gray
BloodClan: Red/Black/Purple
HarmonaClan: White/Yellow/Light Gray
GustClan: Light Tan/Light Yellow/Bright White
LavaClan: Black/Red/Orange
SeaClan: Blue/Purple/White
TemporaClan: Bronze/Gray/Bronze
Peon: A lowly white-collar worker, often in poverty.
Worker: A regular white-collar worker, above the power of Peon. Also can serve as a servant/lowly guard of the King/Queen/Ruler/Emperor.
Officer: A low-ranking army commander, but always has some form of power over others.
General: A high-ranking army commander. Compatible with Unique Ranks.
Legion: The broad commander of the whole army, including militias. Mighty. Compatible with Unique ranks.
Legend: A legendary dragon with no direct link to the rest of its brood, often as powerful as a King. Mighty. Also has a Proto-Form. Compatible with Unique Ranks. (More customizable than most)
Knight: A high-ranking special army force, with great physical power. Mighty. Compatible with Unique Ranks.
Mage: A dragon with moderate magical powers.
Maelstrom: A dragon with great magical powers. Mighty. Compatible with Unique Ranks.
Mystic: A dragon with some healing and magical powers.
Healer: A dragon with moderate healing powers.
Priest: A dragon with great healing powers. Mighty.
King/Queen/Ruler/Emperor: The sole leader of the entire Clan. This dragon(/hydra) always has powers and abilities that make them deadly even for Titans and Demigods. They also have a great deal of knowledge of military strategy and tactics, and becomes Legion if the original Legion dies. Mighty. Also has a Proto-Form. They are also called Aspects of the respective Clan.
Ambassador: One of the tenuously few mix-breed dragons that serve as an ambassador across multiple, or all, Clans. (Must be a mix-breed of at-least 4 different Clans) Possibly Mighty. Compatible with Unique Ranks.
Scholargy: One of the leaders of an entire Clan. Naturally, there are exactly 4 Scholargies in a council, but some councils range from 2-30 dragons. All of the Scholargys power combined is as powerful, or slightly (SLIGHTLY) greater, than a King/Queen/Ruler/Emperors. How-ever, it is unheard of for an entire council of Scholargies to fight at once. If less than 6 Scholargies, Mighty.
Mighty: Able to morph in-to a human. Also takes less damage and increased healing. Improves Unique Ranks.
Proto-Form: A more powerful, albeit temporary, metamorphism for the most powerful of dragons.
(If your rank doesnt say Compatible with Unique Ranks at the end, then you CAN-NOT have a Unique Rank.)
(ShadowClan) Shadow-Mystic: Ability to manipulate and control shadows, to make others invisible or create illusive and deceptive images. Mighty ones can also embody and rise shadows, blinding others, rooting them, or disintegrating, becoming invisible and fly as fast as GustClan members.
(MudClan) Druid: Has the ability to manipulate and control nature, to root others, barricade entrances, or potentially kill. Mighty dragons can also form in-to treants, taking drastically less damage, but decreasing mobility. Might ones can also turn plant life sentient, fighting for them, or healing them.
(CrystalClan) Foreseer: Has the ability to gaze in-to past, giving them valuable information. Mighty ones can also gaze in-to the far future in any location, giving them invaluable strategic abilities.
(BloodClan) Undeath: Has the ability to resurrect from the dead once, giving them an extra chance and, potentially, a great combat opportunity. Mighty ones can also resurrect others, and resurrect them-selves twice.
(HarmonaClan) The Voice: Has the ability to sing a variety of high-pitch songs, in which can deafen or pacify. Mighty Voices can also manually manipulate others and even create a song so high-pitched (or dull) that it can strike or bellow barricades away.
(GustClan) Airstriker: An Airstriker can dash through the air, which lets them soar at nearly impossible speeds for a short time. Mighty ones can also control gusts of air, or even create them, with their gargantuan wings.
(LavaClan) Magma-Wing: A Magma-Wing can gain the ability to fly with the finesse of, roughly, a TemporaClan member. Mighty ones have larger wings, giving them the ability to fly at speeds matching a ShadowClan members.
(SeaClan) Hydraxion: A Hydraxion is a special form of Hydra. They lose their wings and legs, but keep their arms and head. They grow 4 extra heads (Totalling 5 heads), and become up to 5x longer. Their speed is slightly reduced, but damage taken is greatly reduced, and impact power is greatly increased. Mighty ones actually grow larger and more wings, but only grow 3x their original length.
(TemporaClan) Steam-Drako: A Steam-Drako is a mechanically augmented dragon, generally increasing all their physical abilities twofold. Mighty Steam-Drakoes become 3x greater, and have a built-in Time Anamoly Watch, which allows them to create a 20-meter field that warps time.
1. Godly Extremely powerful, boosts a certain prowess that could rival a Demigods.
2. Mystical Hugely powerful, boosts a certain prowess that could rival a Titans.
3. Superior Very powerful, boosts a certain prowess that few could out-match.
4. Enhanced Powerful, boosts a certain prowess above regular levels.
5. Average Neither powerful, nor weak.
6. Inferior Slightly below average levels.
7. Weak Well below average levels.
8. Puny Far below average levels.
9. Pathetic Need I explain?
Melee Proficiency: Ability to perform in close combat.
Aerial Finesse: Aerial maneuverability and precision.
Magical Manna: Proficiency with magical abilities.
Spirituality: Ability to heal.
Stealth: Ability to sneak by others unnoticed, or interact differently with-out being caught.
Scale Durability: Ability to with-stand damage or harsh conditions.
Eye color:
Eye shape: (Slits, ovalur, circular, etc.)
Head Horns:
Spikes: (Like horns, but not on head)
Build: (Slim, muscular, chubby, thin, beef-cake, fat, etc.)
Scale type: (Feathery, slimy, hard, etc.)
Skin type: (Slimy, smooth, rigged, etc.)
Wing type: (Bony, leathery, slimy, etc.)
Horn length:
Tail length:
Bodily length:
Height: (Excluding horns/spikes)
Height: (From feet to top of longest spike/horn)
# of Arms:
# of Legs:
# of Tails:
# of Heads:
# of Wings:
Spike Abundance: (How much of your dragon is covered in spikes)
Aura Color: (What color its glow is, only for Mighty dragons.)
Bio: (Back-ground info, optional.)
Other: (Scars, tattoos, siblings, etc.. Again, optional.)
HUMAN FORM (Only if Mighty dragon.)
Age: (How long youve had the power to be Human, type Born with if the dragon was born with the power.
Muscle: (Same)
Spikes: (Name where)
Clothing: (Only if only one outfit is available)
Tail(s): (Optional)
Wings: (Optional)
Eye color:
Eye shape: (Same)
# of Arms:
# of Eyes:
# of Wings: (Optional)
# of Tails: (Optional)
# of Legs:
Flame color: (Same, optional.)
Aura color: (Same, only for Mighty dragons.)
Stealth: -
Scale Durability
Mana Threshold
Melee Proficiency (Governs ability to use weapons or martial arts)
Aerial Finesse: (Ability to fight/fly in the air) -
Name: Reign (Real name unknown)
Eye color: Purple
Eye shape: (Slits, ovalur, circular, etc.) Star-shaped
Age: 2300 Years (1700 as Ruler)
Clan: ShadowClan
Head Horns: Curved back-wards, as if bent at a point.
Spikes: (Like horns, but not on head) each vertebrate protrudes a bony spine that stick out ward 2-4 feet, gradually getting small towards the tip of the tail. His tail ends in a long spike protruding directly out-ward from behind.
Claws: Very, very sharp, but short and curved. Best for grasping things.
Build: (Slim, muscular, chubby, thin, beef-cake, fat, etc.) Slim
Scale type: (Feathery, slimy, hard, etc.) Smooth, hard
Skin type: (Slimy, smooth, rigged, etc.) Smooth
Wing type: (Bony, leathery, slimy, etc.) Bony, with leathery flaps in-between branches.
Horn length: 3 feet
Tail length: 15 feet
Bodily length: 30 feet
Height: (Excluding horns/spikes) From palm to scalp, 24 feet tall.
Height: (From feet to top of longest spike/horn) 28 feet tall.
# of Arms: 2
# of Legs: 2
# of Tails: 1 (2 extras, but they're really just modified aura.)
# of Heads: 1
# of Wings: 2 (Base of wing extends from shoulders to base of tail)
Spike Abundance: (How much of your dragon is covered in spikes) Approx. 110, 3 for every foot.
Aura Color: (What color its glow is, only for Mighty dragons.) Purple/Black
Attitude: Bossy, reserved, cynical, very cynical, cold, power-crazed.
Personality: Very cynical, cunning, ruthless, deceitful.
Bio: (Back-ground info, optional.) When he was a small drake, he lived a relatively peaceful life. He was interested in many things, ranging from literature, to hunting, to being stealthy, to weapons. But the one thing he was most interested in was aristocracy, and the power that comes with it. From wealthy socialites, to industrial geniuses, to Rulers, to the ten Gods (one for every Clan, and another to keep order).
At the age of only 50 years, he decided to join the local industry HQ as a body-guard. Over the years, he honed some of his skills and found out he fit well. After another 25 years, he was invited to a low-tier assassination squad. He cringed at the targets; Peasants, lowly Officers, Peons, etc.. After awhile, he grew more and more skilled at assassination and craved for more. After almost 400 years, he was at the top of the food chain -- The Elite Guard. He was proud, but felt the gaze of people wandering to the current Ruler, rather than him.
And as so, he became more and more vile and inclined to... 'Dethrone', the Lord. One night, the Ruler woke up to see a bloody Reign, and called for his guards. They never came, and his children never came either. Reign had slew them all during a riot. Reign attacked, and then an intense and infamous battle occurred. It's written history was banished, and now very, very, very, few people know of what really happened. To this day, he still believes he deserves more, and is only a matter of time before he strikes at the other Clans. He will only stop when he is a God.
Other: (Scars, tattoos, siblings, etc.. Again, optional.) During the fight between him and the previous Ruler, his face burned from a special fire, incinerating it. In other words, his face melted due to the epicosity. His face never fully healed, and resembles a filled skeleton's. Also, his human form had never fully completed, and is only a body of black flames.
HUMAN FORM (Only if Mighty dragon.)
Age: (How long youve had the power to be Human, type Born with if the dragon was born with the power.
Name: Reign
Horns: None
Muscle: (Same) Slim
Spikes: (Name where) None
Clothing: (Only if only one outfit is available) [no urls] (But with a cloak like Lich King's and warglaives. And less plate and more runed leather.)
Height: 8' 1"
Weight: 340 pounds with armor, weightless with-out.
Tail(s): (Optional) 0
Wings: (Optional) 0
Eye color: None
Eye shape: (Same) None
# of Arms: 2
# of Eyes: 0
# of Wings: (Optional) 0
# of Tails: (Optional) 0
# of Legs: 2
Flame color: (Same, optional.) Black/Purple
Aura color: (Same, only for Mighty dragons.) Dark purple
Strength: Average when human, Enhanced when Dragon.
Speed: Superior
Stealth: Mystic
Endurance: Enhanced
Scale Durability Enhanced
Mana Threshold Superior
Melee Proficiency (Governs ability to use weapons or martial arts) Godly (I know, lesser Melee, but screw me.)
Spirituality: Puny
Aerial Finesse: (Ability to fight/fly in the air) Superior -
ticci toby Newbieomg so much o.o
Name: Prism, Leonard, Scourge
Eye color: red
Eye shape: Slits
Age: 1200
Clan: Crystal
Head Horns: 2
Spikes: Single line on back
Claws: Sharp
Build: Chubby
Scale type: Like a normal reptile's
Skin type: Rigged
Wing type: Leathery
Horn length: 1 meter
Tail length: 15 meters
Bodily length: 20 meters
Height: 20 meters
Height: 16 meters
# of Arms: 2
# of Legs: 2
# of Tails: 1
# of Heads: 3
# of Wings: 2 (1 pair)
Spike Abundance: Only one row on his back
Attitude: Calm
Personality: Lazy, nice, friendly, clumsy and fiery if angered.
Other: Has 3 younger brothers and 6 older sisters.
Strength: Enhanced
Speed: Average
Stealth: Pathetic
Intelligence: Superior
Endurance: Enhanced
Scale Durability: Average
Mana Threshold: Mystical
Melee Proficiency: Weak
Spirituality: Inferior
Aerial Finesse: Mystical -
Dammit, '[no url]'.
Why you mess my game up. -
ticci toby Newbie:3 im to lazy to type all of THAT. sorry. x3
Just re-type or copy/paste what you wrote.
ticci toby Newbiei cant do that. i have no computer,tablet,ect. but my dsi&3ds (my 3ds is taken away)
Then just make up another one.
Then re-type.
'Ere, I'll do some-thing for ya.
Spike Abundance: (How much of your dragon is covered in spikes)
Aura Color: (What color its glow is, only for Mighty dragons.)
Bio: (Back-ground info, optional.)
Other: (Scars, tattoos, siblings, etc.. Again, optional.)
HUMAN FORM (Only if Mighty dragon.)
Age: (How long youve had the power to be Human, type Born with if the dragon was born with the power.
Tail(s): (Optional)
Wings: (Optional)
Eye color:
Eye shape: (Same)
Scale Durability
Mana Threshold
Melee Proficiency (Governs ability to use weapons or martial arts)
Aerial Finesse: (Ability to fight/fly in the air)
(Just fill this out for now. Also, you DO NOT have to re-type the sheet. Just put in the answers and rows between the answers so I know what it answers.)
(Like this;
Legend) -
Aura color:
Bio: (Back-ground info, optional.)
Other: (Scars, tattoos, siblings, etc.. Again, optional.)
HUMAN FORM (Only if Mighty dragon.)
Age: (How long youve had the power to be Human, type Born with if the dragon was born with the power.
Scale Durability
Mana Threshold
Melee Proficiency (Governs ability to use weapons or martial arts)
Aerial Finesse: (Ability to fight/fly in the air)
(Just fill that out) -
Leah Fae Novice(Can I join?)
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