Frey: This it?
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:28pm
Thread Topic: Frey: This it?
Lets just lay down, save the hot tub until we're stressed. -walks and lays down on the bed-
Frey: Know any places to get a drink around here? -
-laughs and kisses him- Mm I'm always stressed love. It's part of life.
Lacy: -nods and stands- Come on pretty boy. -brushes past him and out the door- -
-kisses her back, moving some of her hair out of his face- We can, if you want.
Frey: -uneasily follows her- -
Can what? -spreads out next to him and look at him-
Lacy: -rolls eyes- I won't bite.. Then again that's only if you don't want me too. -winks and steps onto the streets- -
Get in the tub. -kisses her nose softly-
Frey: -Can't help but think about Lily as he walks with her-
[Is Lacy normal, or what is she?] -
(She's a vampire/siren.)
-nuzzles him- M'kay. Let me get my suit on. -sits up slowly- unless you don't want it on~ -laughs, teasing him and stands-
Lacy: -walks inside a red and black bar called Bite Me- Oh the irony~ -
[I expected vamp, but a siren? Interesting... Frey's screwed...]
Only if you want, love. -grins and digs through his suitcase for his shorts, turning his back to her-
Frey: Local vampire hangout? -holds the door for her- -
Totally. Lacys cool as hell just.. Needy.)
-thinks about it and slips over to the hot tub and tugs her shirt and pants off-
Lacy: -nods- Yeah, I own the place. -picks a corner booth in the back- -
[I'm watching a thing, Skyrim mod, and I'm wanting to build a time machine, go foreward, and see what happens in Episode 4. Its like our stories, starts simple, but twists into massive]
-Finally finds his grey shorts and changes into them-
Frey: Huh... My kind of place... -he's got a thing for vampires- -
Hmm.. Sounds cool. I'm watching The Amazing World of Gumball #kidForLife)
-sinks into the water, no clothes on- :3
Lacy: It's nice here. No one really bugs with anyone. -a waitress bring her a wine glass full of crimson liquid- Go ahead and get whatever you want. -
[I raged at the end of it. Huge cliffhanger. Don't feel bad... -looks around suspiciously- I still watch Cars...]
-smiles, sinking in by her with a remote- I can turn the heat up or down, or do this... -hits a button and bubbles appear everywhere-
Frey: Uh, Jack Daniels on ice, please. -looks at her- I'd be more than happy to buy a drink for you. -
-grins- I love this. -she had her hair piled up ontop of her head and a few curls hung down-
Lacy: Sweety, I own this place. Plus I'm a high ranking person around here. Most people don't try to mess with me. -shrugs and takes a sip and his drink arrives- -
I watched Planes the other day! )
[How was it?]
Me too. -rests his arm above the water for her- -
Frey: I still want to buy you a drink or two. -takes his-
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