Pretty :3
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:28pm
Thread Topic: Pretty :3
Sivi: Yeah I think so.. I don't do art things, that's Scarlet :P So what's your story?
Scarlet: -shrugs- I love painting and sketching. -
Ink: Ah. Well, I'm that person who picks friends over family. Because they...really didn't care. I moved out and met other people. First, the Fraser family. I'm a shapshifter, I love to read, my favorite colors are blue and indigo and- *glances at Scarlet* ..I love doing that as well.
Scarlet: -smiles- Maybe we can paint together :3
Sivi: -nods- Well I approve of you. -
Ink: I'll love that. *smiles* Thanks.
Scarlet: -leans on him slightly-
Sivi: -smiles- Well I think I might leave you two alone -
Ink: Actually, want to meet some of my people? You can talk to them.
Scarlet: -nods- Of course!
Ink: Okay! Hm.. First, Eliezer. Because he loves meeting people. ELIE!
Verse: *appears by them* Hello. :D I'm Eliezer. But please call me Reverse or Verse.
(Sorry. Multitasking on here and irl. :I) -
It's find me too :/)
Scarlet: -grins- Hi! I'm Scarlet :3 -
Ink: He's the clostest to being normal. :P
Nice to meet you Scarlet. ^-^ -
Scarlet: -curiouseeee- What are you? Or what do you do? -tilts head-
Verse: I'm a vampire-demon-shapeshifter hybrid. I can time travel which is why my nickname is Reverse.
Scarlet: -blink blink- That's.. Awesome! -grins- Time travel sounds cool!
Verse: It is but I pass out after.
Ink: Cause he does it a lot. *grin*
Verse: Nuh uhhh. -~-
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