Enero's. Not Pitch's, brat.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:27pm
Thread Topic: Enero's. Not Pitch's, brat.
Verse: *smiles and follows* *both appear in a lab* (Sorry I fell asleep. :I)
Jak: So what are they actually doing? *looks around*
We're, well, Enero, wants to test something out. *crosses arms* :I
Jak: And that is..? *clings* ^-^ Oh, and hey Tal.
*there* *pulls Jak away and drags her by a metal table* :I
Jak: Um.. Enero.. What a surprise. o3o'
Enero: Don't be. I still hate you. :I Wanna help me with something?
Jak: Hmph. That depends. *crosses arms*
Enero: *growls* Then I want someone who is willing. e.e
Jak: Well, I'm not helping you with anything. *pulls away*
Pitch: *busts in, angry* Look what he did to me! *turns around in circles* *trips and falls*
Jak: *holds back a laugh* Erm, Pitch, what do you mean?
Pitch: *shoots back up and opens his mouth* *points to his teeth* They're gone, Jakkie. My fangs. ;~; *turns around* And my wings. I'm...I'm sixteen again. ;3; *flails*
Jak: *squeal* Why? How? My god, a young Pitch. o3o
Enero: Heh. Nevermind. It worked. You see, I never quite forgive him so I decided to try an experiment that will make him...human. Didn't know he'll turn younger. Besides, he's better like this. He should've listen to me a looong time ago. :I *disappears*
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