- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:27pm
Thread Topic: Evan!
Evan: *nods* Go ahead, ask away.
Rayan: ...My parents ignore me. Her parents, they care.
*then purr*
^-^ -
Dark, wanna rp?
Thunder: Does Allison..well, is she-- does she hate me? ;3;
Fang: ..No, Rayan. I'm sure they care.
Enero: *cuddle cuddle* Hm.. -
Evan: *laughs* She misses you. So I wouldn't think she hates you.
Rayan: No, Fang, they don't. Mom just ignores me, while my Dad has his eyes on a favorite.
Hm what?
*turns to look over at him* -
Thunder: ..Oh. G-good. I miss her too..
Fang: ..Who's their favorite? I'm sure you're better.
Pitch: *there* Dad. No. Don't.
Enero: Oh cooome on, Pitch. Look at her. I can't resist, damnit. -
Evan: *pats his back* She's a bit scared of you, though.
Rayan: Ellie. *scowls* Daddy raped Elacie, and the stupid brat was born.
*puzzle pieces click*
Go awaaaay. Don't touch me. -
Thunder: Scared? Whhy?
Fang: I don't really know her but still. *cuddles*
Enero: Stop it. *pulls her closer to his chest*
Pitch: Taylor's going to hate me. Then what? He'll get Angel involved. Next thing you know, I'm a loner again. -
Evan: ..You kind of told her to die in hell.
Rayan: *sighs* *snuggles into his chest*
*red face*
*stands there, small grin*
...Pitch, if he does something, I'll make it only his fault. >:3 -
Thunder: I did? D: Evan, I didn't mean iiiitttt.
Fang: *kisses her head*
Pitch: ..Daaaarrrk. I don't want to take any chances.
Enero: ..Partypooper Pitch. That's your new nickname. :I -
Evan: You should tell her that at some point yourself.
Rayan: *giggles, smiling*
...Hmph. :P Pitchy. Watch.
*and like a kitty boss, kicks Enero down there, rolling awaaaay*
*sits in a corner* -
Thunder: I cant , Evan. I can't...
Fang: *smiles, nuzzling*
Enero: ... *falls down* Damnit, get back here.
Pitch: *blinks* -
Evan: Then don't worry about her.
Rayan: *little moan* *covers mouth*
No. You come here.
(Gtg...) -
Thunder: ...Fine. I will. ;3;
Fang: *laughs quietly* Rayan?
Enero: ..Alright. I will. *gets up in a flash*
Pitch: ..I'm through.. *disappears*
(Okay. Baii.) -
Evan: *chuckles* ..Have to get past Dem first.
Rayan: .//. yeah? *stares at him, red face*
*yelp of surprise*
*darts up, attempting to leavvvvve* -
Thunder: I know.. I don't think he wants me to look at her.
Fang: ..Um. Do you- um.. .#.
Enero: *grabs her, wrapping his arms around*
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