No Subject
Thread Topic: No Subject
Oh how nice that you should worry about me. Although I'm pretty worried about your family they probably can't show their faces in public because of you.
That was weak, if I cared about my family would I be on a s---ty quiz site?
You think your jabs hurt but I say much worse about myself. You could never hurt me, the fact that you're trying so hard is an affront to your religion. I am your neighbor. Treat me better. Or don't. I don't really care. I'm just tired of all you idiots who can't even understand the book you're supposed to idealize. You are a waste of oxygen. A waste of mass and energy.
Read it in the original Hebrew or you're a fake fan!!!!
What did you say? What? What? Hold on there must be something in my ear. Nothing you say offends me! It makes me pity how stupid you sound trying to hurt something that can't be hurt.
Jesus Christ was gay
You will go to hell HAHA I hope you burn and I hope you scream and feel the pain! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I've been hellbound since day 1
If I worship the devil, that's a good fate for me lmao
But you haven't been tortured have you? Oooohh wouldn't that be amusing for the devil to slowly peel the skin off the back of his beloved follower! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
I would buy tickets just to watch!
I'm trying to get you banned lol
You're digging yourself a hole
this thread is an affront to godModerator
I'm seeing a kid acting under the guise of religion to hurt people
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