- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:21pm
Thread Topic: Hello
okaaay xD
anyways. How's storse? -
Wow. 8th grade. Such an interesting year. my enlgish teacher was weird. who we all thought was overusing his viagra pills LOL
boring? school? you must be mistaken.
I started my junior year 3 and a halfish weeks ago. -
Someone remind me what junior is. I go by number grades here. Dx
Storse is content watching his video game videos on youtube. :3 so quite well I assume. xD -
I feel like a little kid now. :c
ting- were the same year remember? xD junior is the 3rd year of high school
selena- well if we went to the same school system, you would be old enough that we would be going to the same school next year. I'm actually surprised your in 8th grade. It really didn't seem that long ago at all that I was in 8th grade.
ting- for some reason, I feel bad for your bro. I sympathize with him for some reason. -
Hello everyone. :3
Started my Senior year last month.
Ting; Junior = second to last year. -
Meh. Still feel like a small child.
hi bob!
We have five years of high school here, dude .-. if junior is third year, then I was a junior last year. We start at eighth grade.
why feel bad D: -
selena- well, you are mature for your age. so there. Beat that comeback xD
So what's the topic of interest at the moment?
sorry, I have no idea how the school system works in canada, I assumed it was the same.
We are the same age. We both have this year and next year to go. -
And I'll be out of school before either of you. >:D
ting- his bullied situation. I mean that's just the epitimy of something just awful. :(
bob- we were initially talking about our group of friends or as I used to call it, our "table"
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