Ranting about my sis
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: Ranting about my sis
She's such a b----!
-She said I was too ugly to be related to her
-She's an even bigger b---- around her friends (I didn't think it was possible, but she can get meaner)
-She always yell at me cuz I don't cover myself with makeup beyond recognition
-She's always super rude
-She nags like an old lady (which she is -_-)
-She's supposed to stick up for me against her friends right? She bullies me with them!
-She thinks I'm never gonna get a boyfriend (and yet she's never had one herself -_-)
-She thinks just cuz she's older, she's better, but she's 1) a lot more immature than me 2) a lot shorter than me and 3) a lot judgier than me
-She called me a prick for no reason and she didn't even know what it meant!
-She thinks she's a lot smarter than me. I get all A's, she failed math
-She's inconsiderate. I was crying on the bus once(cuz of her idiot friends) and she didn't give a s---!
-This guy hugs her all the time and she thinks I'm jealous. I'm not! She thinks of her damn self way to highly.
-She always tries to boss me around
-She tackled me down a hill
-She pushed me down a hill while I was on a scooter and wearing a skirt
-She's disgusting and boy crazy! She only hangs around with guys and she acts like one sometimes >:(
I know this is normal sibling stuff, but this was really bugging me -
Just remembered
-Anything we SHARE she thinks is only hers and won't let me use
-She wants credit for everything for just HERSELF! (We make pop-top braclets and WE thought of it TOGETHER and yet she claims "It was my idea" [to make them, not the first idea]). Also, our cat plays fetch and chews a dog bone. So I took a video of it. She wants me to put it on HER youtube account. And my dad is siding with her! IF YOU WANT IT ON YOUR YOUTUBE ACCOUNT, YOU SHOULD HAVE TAPED IT YOUR OWN f---ING SELF! I HATE HER!
-She makes me feel like I want to die -
My sisters b----y to me alot of the time too. What annoys me the most about her is that every time someone says they like someone she thinks they mean romantically. And she thinks everyone who annoys her "likes" her. -__-
...that's a sister. That's me, god DAMNIT.
Is she a teenager? If so, it's fine, very common. You need a backbone, littl missy. Ever hear of a "joke"? Or are you too serious to get it?
If she's a pre-teen, she's a b----. Dump her in a well for all I care: sheneeds an attitude check.
Sisters are like that, it doesn't make her a b----. It makes her a GIRL.
Also, you should be PROUD of her: she's not some girly little stump, she socializes with dudes. How is that a bad thing.
Also, straight A's and failing does NOT qualify as intelligence. School only evaluates how well you prepare and memorize, not overall intelligence. I would know: My overall average was a 93%, but I'm the biggest pile of dumbs--- you'll ever meet.
Your sister's friends make fun of you...? NEWSFLASH: THAT'S LIFE. I make fun of my sister and her friends, you need to remember that it's all for jokes. Gosh, don't be so touchy. Take a chill pill and learn to laugh at yourself.
Also, please, don't be a hypocrite: you're talking about how "she never stands up or defends you", but what are you doing now? Not fending for her or putting her under the best light, I'm damn sure. You're not being the best sister either by venting about how annoying and b----y she is.
Trust me, I'm the oldest in a family of five kids. I know a thing or two about sibling rivalry.
ALSO, SHORTNESS MEANS NOTHING! And her calling you ugly is natural. So's the make-up thing: you should be flattered. She's encouraging you to look good. I know I feel horrible when my sister leaves the house looking like a homeless man's backside, so I MAKE HER become presentable. That's what sisters do.
I'm not saying she's the best sister. but....she's acting like a sister. Just sayin'.
;) -
@Nikki They're not jokes if she's saying purposly to put me down. And the boy crazy thing gets annoying.
Example of what she does talk about
'I like him, no he's cuter!
Melinda wants to fight me now.
I hate all the girls in my grade.
My guy friends ditched me!
I have no friends
Maybe I should get another friend that's a girl. . .nah I'm too cool for that'
And a lot of people will say I am actually pretty smart, not even close to the smartest, but still smart. She doesn't even try! She could've stayed after or asked a friend to help her understand math, but she didn't so she failed. Her friends don't do jokes. They have said very harsh things and they were all meant to hurt. I know what people my sister hangs out with, and they're not the nicest. The part about being a hypocrite. She has probably started more s--- about me than the people in my grade put together! She tells the teachers totally untrue rumors about me and tells them I'm an idiot! About the makeup. I do very much look presentable! She just thinks if don't plaster your face with cosmetics, then you're ugly. And I know she's acting like a sister, I made this to rant about her. Not say 'What am I doing wrong that she treats me like she's so much better?'. -
How old iz your sis?
She's almost 15. I know this is normal for sister and tenagers and blah blah blah. I just wanted to let it out.
So makeup is the only way I can look good?
Here's what I say to that: I'd rather be an ugly f--- than a fake s---.
And the dude thing? Socializing is good. It's when it becomes your whole life that is just downright sad.
As for the crap about your sister being a complete a--hole, well, about the only thing you can really do there is punch her in the jaw, deal with it, or begin playing crazy jokes on her big system. -
Just don't acknowledge her existance xD don't reply to her, ignore her like she's a voice in your head, watch her blow, she obviously just wants attention, and if she touches you, slap her.
Almost 15.
I'm 15. I'm not even close to being like that. If anything, I'm almost the exact opposite of what she does.
Men prefer Natural. Believe me. Natural>Fake whore ;D *coming from a girl that men can act like men around so they tell me everything. EVERYTHING* -
*sigh* you're completely missing my point. Good luck with your sissy problems, Teresa. Instead of shutting me down, try putting your sis under a brighter light.
If it bothers you that much, buy a shotgun and shoot her in the face. If it isn't that extreme, then ignore her, grow a backbone and think positive. If she's really that bad, karma will get her in the ass, anyways.
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