I'm so deep
Thread Topic: I'm so deep
new users are hilarious lol
bruh some of these pages are all just
"he smiled
he beamed
he kissed him
he let him
he pecked his cheek
he blushed
he grinned
he smiled
he pulled him closer
he let him
he held him close
he blushed
repeating over and over like I know its part of roleplaying but its soo funny. -
I kinda want a big Mac or like in n out
lol this new user why do we need a thread for chatting
dude what is this
sigh religious crisis
wait I didn't hide it
there I go just not enjoying life again lol
"there she goes again always trying to be edgy and not enjoy life like a normal person."
all I hear all day bro....
well thanks for that human race lolol maybe I don't like being simple-minded and living just to die maybe I like thinking about things. -
welllll I'm very embarrassed for no reason I'm just overreacting so I'll blank post till the next page
I've been literally crying all day and the play I went too everyone was like "its so good I'm crying!" I probably looked like I hated the show because I was silently ugly sad crying.
I'm scared to not hear her or see her or have her exist the way she does, I'm scared once we do it I'll stat screaming undo it. dogs have the most unfair lives ever.
I cant do this I've had her since I was like 4
my aunts want me to go hangout but I can't I'm having so much anxiety a few feet away from her.
I hardly made it through school when I got checked out I was at the point I was going to explode.
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