Problematic teacher
Thread Topic: Problematic teacher
this teacher is very problematic and is causing issues for me, I need to know what I should do or if its just me hallucinating. to keep it short:
the teacher never speaks up and seems like shes not even trying to teach. In fact, it doesn't even feel like shes teaching. she gets mad at all of us for not hearing when shes practically talking to herself. but that's just a minority..
this teacher will change due dates the day they are assigned to be due weeks before, making anything you submit late.
are these real issues? pplssss let me know -
That doesn't sound good. Changing dates is not okay since it makes the teacher unreliable and leaves students hanging in the air not knowing what to do when. A teachers job is literally to teach students about certain things and to make them capable of performing and then to test their abilities. If your teacher is doing a monologue and then gets mad at you for not listening, she's not teaching you anything, so yes, this is definitely an issue. If I were you, I'd go tell the principal with facts and dates where she did specific things to be concise and so that they do something, but that's just an advice if you want it.
I'd also gather other students to be on my side. Get like class presidents n stuff.
Also it totally depends whether ur in highschool, middle school or uni or wtv else.
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