Do you really see me?
Thread Topic: Do you really see me?
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JUST GO CLICK THHAT LITTLE BUTTON START NEW THREAD TOPIC AND STOP COMING IN MINE sorry for getting so mad and overreactive I'm just overemotional.
I don't want to talk to u
heh... being too weird for normal people and too normal for weird people and just too alien for anybody to like is so amazing.... I resent myself for even expressing the slightest negative feeling towards someone... my own bestfriend just keeps texting back "that's weird" or "...." or "that's super weird" and she was like.... my weird buddy.....
sigh... and the deeadnaming.... they don't do it to my face, but I know they use my real name when I'm not around, and I can see on their phones I'm [dead name] instead of Lee... I feel so alone.
why am I sad my life isn't even that bad- more ungratefulness lmao. that's so me.
being a people pleaser sucks ass man. I'll do anything to make someone happy, give everything, and you give me bread crumbs and it feels like the entire bakery to me. and yet no matter what everyone gives me I'm not happy and I'm ungrateful ig. that's what all my elders say.
not to mention my f---ing EX WAS AT THE WINTER FAIR and her hair grEw out and she isn't emo anymore.... f---. I'm so weak, stupid idiotic etc etc
oh yay the post isgone
I love how tight-knit the community is here, even if not a lot of people use the forums-
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