My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
I finished installing my new lights ahhhhhh
God she looks great 🥺 now I want to replace her fenders/panels and jockey stick
But not now bc I spent $359 on a headset 😭
I can’t wait for it to come in bc then I’ll finally be able to listen to music in my helmet and pick up calls easily 😤
rvelez Hot ShotI’m so debating quitting my first job..
rvelez Hot ShotBruh hell no where is my picture god f---ing f---
Bru this ain’t it
That was horrid
My other boss offered a different position but it requires me to change my schedule and I work my other job so I can’t. So I declined.. But now I’m thinking of just quitting the job so I’m able to.
My headset is awesome tho. I sadly have it scratched bc I dropped it twice on concrete already..
I kinda f--- with it
I kinda over shared to Nathan today ngl
And ranted but he didn’t mind
Wait I just noticed
Have I been hiding my posts, or do I subconsciously do it?? Lmaoo I hope it’s the latter. I know this one is for sure hidden.
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