My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
why does browniebunny look like they flaunt being a mod?
I've been wondering for quite a while. Idc if they anwser themselves. -
Im just saying. None of the other mods do it. Not trying to start something.
Lol you blank post to see my post awwww you live mee
you liked my post :)
how so
i haven't intentionally been trying to -
Yes.. Maybe.. :)
It just looks like youve been. -
well that doesn't help me stop acting that way lol
oh well. i don't care i was just curious -
What you posted on your thread. It looks like youre trying to impress your friends. That's all.
nah that wasn't me trying to flaunt
i was just saying. my friend on discord was on the site and i was like "oh wow i'm on it" and they were like "cool"
and it ended there pretty much
is that it though -
has negan done the scene where he f---s rick and makes rick hank him for it
that's because she is, but that's none of my business -
Ah. Okay.
shrugs -
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