My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
it's like a trap
Le1f VI NewbiePinterest is stupod
Cedric is going too far.
Le1F XI Newbiewere is cube
Why are you so positive even when people treat negatively?
none of your beeguts
I'm positive? xD
Yes :3 Its nice, but you're too nice -.-
Le1F XI Newbiejust bcuz u r mean swag
Le1F XI Newbiemy post didnt show up wtf
I'm not really nice tbh. I always have to catch myself before I say something mean. I mean, if you're nice, I'll be nice back. That's how it works for me.
I'm mean? What did I do?
I'm the same way, but sometimes I'm a b---- just because XP
Ah.. :I really?
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