My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
Shadow hegehog Newbieheres what happened to me over and over
Shadow hegehog Newbie
Shadow hegehog Newbieim going some where else:takes gun back from girly gothic:
Why are you sad? Your only doing this cyberly. I tried in real life.
Which one have you started?
No. >:(
I was too busy finishing and Deadman Wonderland.
SG I had to read that thrice -
Shadow hegehog Newbiechaos control :vanidhes:
Bye. :I
Ro, really? I read it once. Lol.
Shadow hegehog Newbie:texts gitly gothic:brcause its happened over and over
I read it as "excellence said point"
Shadow hegehog Newbie:shots phone:
Oops ^^;
Shadow hegehog Newbiechaos control :appers and shots girly gothics phone: ill be at my own thread
Ro, hm. Oh well. :P
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