My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
Wait so you're saying I watched that confident video for nothing? :(
um idk I would assume you'll run away with your other fam
they show you more love than I ever will :c -
Shadow hegehog Newbieum ghetto um even if i have a crush on someone will u...u date me
are you joking I barely even interact with them anymore and a majority of the time they just piss me off
pfft no they don't get my jokes and they don't really understand me that well :,( I cry -
I'm so sorry but I have a boyfriend and I don't even know you -
In all honesty
Yes. -
Shadow hegehog Newbieoh ok
Shadow hegehog Newbie=( im never going to get a girl
oh and I just wanted to say that I'm a boy so yeah
I'm laughing at all of this lolol
happy cri
oh :c pets
well i'm here for you bby ok? :')
Nnn ah well it was worth it xD
I listened to the other one too. :P -
I'm about to piss myself omg xD
/is pet
kk thanks fam c: -
I search weird things on YouTube -
I hate being ignored by people on here.:\
smooch on cheek :3
Yes xD
Same here lol
sorry 3: -
Hi. Aren't you a happy Rose? ^-^
Tbh I'm only happy because I'm finally talking to two of my babies. :P
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