My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
It's so rainy and ugly outside.
I thought you already had a mama -
noooo only when I'm ul's double she's my mama
you're my legit mama :(
pay child support damn it -
We've been getting rain too. For the first time in forever. I like rain since it forces my kitty to stay inside. >:3
Oh okay.
will do so
California doesn't get much rain? :I and that's evol xD -
ooooh oh
i also got caught up on noragami i need to catch up on like 14 episodes for OnS u-u -
Hi hi.
Yay! How do you feel towards Yato? :3 he's so badass and cute.
It'll be worth it. -
we're still in a major drought :'D NO ITS NOT SHHH
That sucks.. :P poor cat ohmahgawd what's her name again? Ariel?
shrugs it's nice to see some rain though. Ye, her name is Ariel.
Rain can be good. But not too much damnit. I was suppose to go shopping! Yaaay. I remembered! I'll give you Amanda if you give me Ariel? :3
Ew rain. ~_~
Yeah :P
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