My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
Mikaela and Yuu NewbieJahhhh, no. My sister's are. ;~; but ty
Mikaela and Yuu NewbieDamn it. I responded to the rp with ANDI but GTQ decided to glitch when I submitted it. Now I'm too lazy to retype it..
Mikaela and Yuu Newbie*Andi
Caps lock suddenly turned on.. -.- -
How many siblings do you have?
Mikaela and Yuu NewbieFive.
Where are you in the line up? xD
Mikaela and Yuu NewbieSecond oldest. :P
Sister is 19
I'm 17.
Brother is 16
Sister is 12
Bro is 7.. or 8. I forgot xD
Then my 3 y/o sister. -
Ro Ro!!!
Mikaela and Yuu NewbieOops sorry
It's fine.
Mikaela and Yuu NewbieSo hi.
How are you?
Mikaela and Yuu NewbieAlright. :P you?
I'm okay, glad I don't have school today, but work though.
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