My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
Hyper and happy. Yewww?
I see. ouo
Yup. :P
Same~*cuddles, cuddles*
CreditRecovery on my tablet is hard. I'd rather do it on a computer.
Actually, neither. I can't learn like this.
I'm sorry you're being forced to learn that way.:C
It's freaking hard. I won't get the 50 bucks back if I don't pass summer school. I bet my sister will get hers back. I'm really stressed.
And then there's Jermunia who distracts me. -
I just want to watch SAO man
You'll pass, Ro, but you need to work for it.. I know you're smart enough to do it. Just work hard so you can enjoy your summer.
love SAO
worship it -
Summer school...why?? It's...I had it since elementary school...
Hopefully this gif will make you laugh: -
I know I do, but I just don't take the material seriously.
yes uwu -
I failed Math 3. Shiz, that sucked. This is my first time.
Wtf xD -
You'll pass Ro Ro I believe in you! YOU GO GLEN COCOA YOU GO!
You should say that once passing summer school. I AM SO f---ING READY. XD
Yay, I made you laugh. :P
Is math 3 algebra?
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