My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
Another thing I hate:
A: Oh I love him so much I just... love him~!
B: I love you too. I'm glad I'm with you.
A: *tears of joy*
*and then they break up because bs*
A: Yeah I want nothing to do with you anymore. I am going to, like, ignore you~! *ignores B*
B: *chilin with friends* *tries to be neutral with A*
A: *sending hate rays towards B bc they an idiot and doesn't want to admit it so of course they are going to be s---s* -
Speaking of the devil.
Why do you hate one person after dating them?
That makes no f---ing sense. Stop saying "I love you" f---ing morons.
Especially when you plan to ignore them.
Good f---ing night. -
Bump for senpai. She's too lazy.
ty ouo
New page.
Okay this ice cream is yummy and cold .w.
I'm going to exploded with feels
I can't take it anymore. I'm going to leave and fangirl. xD
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