My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
This is just a follow-up.
i am deadly serious -
Just get out of this thread, man.
You were already told to anyways. -
Seriously I am not a man
Dude I can't deal with this. .-. Help.
I don't care what the f--- you are. Get out. You're not welcome here. Do I have to say it in many languages so you'll understand? Because clearly you don't understand English.
If I don't understand how can I typed this? You just said one languange. Try indonesian
No. If you understood English, you would get he f--- out.
And who dared to say i am not welcome? Don't welcome me, then. I'll welcome myself0
Wow you are the most annoying user on gotoquiz. You along with your friends.
Friend? I have friends? I don't be dared to have one!
No, Car-san, she doesn't have friends because she's annoying and brainless.
And also. Isn't it Gracious?
kalian berdua dalah orang yang paling saya benci saat ini! Silahkan mencicipi racun yang saya sediakan khusus untuk kalian. Tidak peduli sedikit pun, ya, whatever. -
This is my thread. Not yours. I'll kick you out and say you aren't welcome anytime.
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