My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
Hold on.
Yep. It's 20 seconds.
I'm going to be honest with you, because I haven't been very honest with people lately in the past months or so.
I don't like when you use those faces against me. Never did, never will. It always and always will bother me because you use them for small things. You get annoyed very quickly and easily.
I do too. And that's a bad combination. -
As expected. I'll talk to anyone who can deal with me.
Hai Ro-bot.
Hey rozero.
Hey there, Cherryhead.
Hey, anri.
Sorry if my emoticons bother you. It's the only way to express emotion. How else am I going to show it off?
Hi Cherry. -
Auto correct always wants to put anti instead of anri.
*hugs* I'm sick. Let me puke on you.
It's not just the emoticons. You get mad at me over small things like you did ten minutes ago. All I did was check if it was twenty seconds and you got annoyed because I wasn't sure of your answer.
*hugs back* Oh.. Puking on people is bad.. You can puke into a toilet if you like.
No, I wasn't annoyed because of that. It was just how slow post time is for junior, and I never knew. Okay? Hope that clears things.
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