Im just randomely posting
Thread Topic: Im just randomely posting
Did I tell you guys whats the matter already?
...........!!!!! -
So you mean you arent depresed, but just in pain? -
/________\ -
In ALOT of wouldn't happen to know anything about slings on ovaries, would you?
Uh, no.
Sorry. Why? -
O-O cuz appearently that's what's wrong with me...
What do you mean by that?
Well I got a partial Hysterectomy...and This intire subject is a bit gross so to make a long storyshort the side effects of that happening is causing my pain...
Late post, sorry.
Ok, but I like gross stories! -
It's all about lady organs and SURE?
Only if you want to tell it.
Really?'ll tell you some of it but just enough so it's not too gross...Sound fair? -
I will listen to only as much as you want to tell.
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