Who knows
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:19pm
Thread Topic: Who knows
Wolf @ Ale: Suckish....
@Wolf Why?
Wolf@Ale: I embarrassed my self at lunch cause I banged into a table, and it hurt. So I kinda screeched. Then my crush was Like..RIGHT there, and his friends and him broke out laughing. And I cant remember my damn lines for the school play.
Why are you...Eh? -
I'm Eh cuz I am... -
@Ale: Very intriguing answer! XD
@Ale: >:D Well, Michael now did something i can use against him.
*Runs around* HELP ME!
@KR What is it?
@Ale: He was sitting, and doodling in his notebook at the soccr field at my game. So I was at half time, and he went to the bathroom. I ran over and grabbed his notebook, and looked at the pictures. (Hes like, a totat artist) And had these pictures of my best girl friend(Friend Wise. Im Not Lesbo...) Her names Autumn. So he had these little captions, and one said, "We'll be two that form one." I cracked up cause I didnt know he could be so soft. I ran back to my team before he came back.
*Sits on floor* Nothing...I was just bored :P
@KR: You okay...?
Damn late post...
@Wolf Wow
@KR Okay
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