- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:19pm
Thread Topic: hat
wanna continue???
Sierra sighed, and motiioned for Xue to leave. "There, now you can go." she said after much incoherent mumbling. -
( its ok )
I was finally able to leave, I left ( did the doctor give him more then one pill? ) -
Just one.
SIerra followed, and looked around when she reached the street. Not sure what to do now, but that's okay. I'll figure out something. -
( oh, ok XD )
I didn't like being in this place, I looked around and wanted to go back in the forest -
"What do you think we should do?" she asked, sauntering up to him.
( what does sauntering mean, XD I dont know )
I didn't answer, I was walking towards the forest -
"to walk in a slow, relaxed manner without hurry or effort"
"Come on, if you go back now you'll never have any fun. Living in solitude does nothing for you." She wasn't going to give up on him that easily. -
( XD by the way, he talks weird )
I quickly turned, and had dragon hands again, and I grew out a tail, I was getting angry, I hated getting bossed around, "dust leave me alone" I said, I growled a little ( by the way, that isn't a spelling mistake ;) ) -
( wanna continue? )
"Dust? Sorry, sentence does not compute." She knew she was walking the line, and that if she crossed she'd be in a very bad position, but she didn't want him to go. She really did want to bring out the person he could be, not the introverted person he was now.
( what does introverted mean?! XD I forgot )
I growled again, she was trying to annoy me, I was slowly changing into some creature, the amulet was glowing and flickering, my pupils were slits -
Someone who prefers to be alone, doesn't really like to talk, often stereotyped as "shy" even if that isn't the case.
Sparks were going off in her mind, telling her to stop while she was ahead. But that little voice kept telling her it would help. Like any idiot, she agreed with it. "It's not like it's very hard to talk to anyone, lots of people do it just fine. I'm sure you could, too if you tried."
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