Hey yo wassup
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:19pm
Thread Topic: Hey yo wassup
I could sense him even more, i could feel him, i looked around to make sure no one was watching, i unfolded my black angel wings and flapped them back and forth getting closer and closer to him. . .
I studied the room. A little talbe with my knife on it, but it was out of reach, and the sack. "That's it?" I ask myself in a whisper
i was flying threw the wind, i tryed to see wat would happen 5 minutes in the future to him,
a stabb on my chest, i move my hand to my chest,
feeling sore and hurt. . . . . -
I try to untie the ropes around my wrists.
What's this..?
(A soap Lily...I'll make a thread if you want to talk...)
I was leaded to an old apartment,
i slowly opened the door, it was old dusty and dark, i found a stack of wooden stairs, i moved one foot then the other all the way up the stairs -
I heard someone coming so I let my whole body go limp.
I reached the top i looked left then right nothing but doors, i closed my eyes and followed my instincts,
The door on the left, i opened it. . . . . . . -
I heard the door to the room I was in being opened but I didn't dare move.
I looked around, someone sitting in a chair and a table,
"Mark?, Omigosh Mark!" i run to see him sitting there -
I look up "Raven?"
I pull a dagger from my thigh strap and cuts the rope around his hands and legs
I rub my writs then get up. "How did you find me?" I ask while grabbing my knife from the table.
" i never told you this i have alot of different powers, i can sense we you are, but i couldnt because u werent awake, then i thought you must of been dead, i was worried sick"
I put my arms around you and hugged you
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