prank calling
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: prank calling
yeahbuddy Novicewhats the most epic prank call uve ever done :D mine was when I called publix as a little girl saying that my brother set off a bomb in the store then when they asked me I said they set off the f bomb. lol. also I put Walmart on lockdown sayin I lost my kid and I called olive garden asking how much it is to pick olives out of their garden. LOL and so many more. what about u?
Uuummm... well one time me and K called sprint saying that my phone blew up and killed somebody.
I called random people from the phone book and asked them, "I've hid the body, now what?"
When I was little I used to call random people and tell them that I'm waiting. Then they would freak out and I would hang up.
yeahbuddy Novicelol I called my local radio station trying to be caller number ten and I was and I got on the air and said I AM WATCHING U PEE and they laughed and I said their gay stupid ass b----es for finding that funny and I hung up :D
WolfLove NoviceWell, I called up my friend Kent, and yelled, "THIS IS YOUR F----n NEIGHBOR! I CANT BELIEVE YOU! SLASHING MY TIRES! KICIING MY DOG! STEALING MY NEWSPAPER! I WILL F----N GET YOU! *gasp gasp as if running* IM COKIBG FOR YOU!!!
One time I got on the radio with like ten of my friends, and all we did was scream and hang up. and they replayed it like five times.
oh that one really funny wolf im gonna try that... >:)
Why must your unintelligent self still taint the presense of the good people? Get a new vocabulary, the words and insults you use are rather old.
yeahbuddy Novicelol nice
And I called Wal-mart and told them how racist they were for not selling black, mixed, and mexican barbies.
yeahbuddy Novice:D
WolfLove Novice@Mia: Cool!
WolfLove NoviceXD I called a pizza shop and said, "Why you sell po-n videos wit pepperoni pizza, but no plain? I want those po-n videos....but no pepperoni pizza. Fats messed up. Remember....plain need po-n.."
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