- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Yes!
@st ok. shes not on right now so....crap
Name: Yaria
Age: 15 million years old
Spieces: Mhot 'do (my own made up Spieces)
Where you/them would like to locate: Underwater
How many are coming with you: None
Any pet: None
How much luggage: None :D
Can you come here on your own or do you need help?: Yes, no help. -
I wanna live here :D
SilverTree- If you think I'm the other kwright, your wrong. I'm her twin sister.
Well beast you can currently stay there overnight and we she comes on you can go and ask here.
oh and moon ,ok *hands an id card* there you are now living on my new planet. You have a permade house to do with you liking but you may sell it and find another house as you please. I shall see you there. -
Oh im sorry there. I just not talking with you twin then. Oh and fisre soul just fill out the form to your liking and i will give you an I.D card if i am happy with it.
ok then. ill grab my stuff. *grabs clothes* ready!
Silver- Okay. Hey, can I live on your planet?
Ok *gives beast a overnight pass* ok and here is your rental ship. *gives beast the keys and show it to him*
Sure kwrigth just will out the form.
Name: Nashira
Age: 13
Location: Forestry area
Speicies: Fallen angel
Coming with me: 0
Pets: Falcon called Ariana
Luggage: 1 suitcase
Help?: No -
Name/s(first): Kendra
Age/s: 11
Species: Vampire, fairy, shape-shifter
Where you/them would like to locate: Land
How many are coming with you: None
Any pet/s: None
How much luggage: Two.
Can you come here on your own or do you need help?: I can come here on my own. -
OK fire here is your I.D card and home key. You will enjoy you home im sure and here is a ribbon-tag you will have to keep on your pet* hands thos things to her*
Ok Kwrigth Here is your I.D and home key. *hands it to kwirght* -
Thnx! *gets in rental. goes to planet*
Silver- Thanks *Grabs I.D and Home key, walks away*
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