- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: ...
Okay the cathy person has watched the video you showed me O_O
The one with me in it?
Yes O_O
Well, it's probably Dark, just guessing, cause she just said that she had seen both our vids...
Maybe but my first video wasn't on there and Dark said that she's seen us when I didn't even have the second one up yet
She could've seen the thread.... And the thread where it had mine in it.
Are you going to talk in any of your videos?
Just a little nervous
To talk? I'll talk in my video. I plan on talking. I plan on talking about you. :P
Yeah shy fits better I'm to shy to talk in the video but if you want I'll make another one and talk in it...
(sorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy Ale I should say something to you I dont know u know it or not)
Please? *gets down on knees* Pretty please?
@Holy What?
Okay *Pulls you up off your knees*
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