Ok. this is my looonngg story
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Ok. this is my looonngg story
12 year old Luke sat doing his spelling homework, perplexed by the word 'serendiphidous.' 15 year old Chris was right across the room, playing his game system, determined to beat level 7 of 'Terror Struck Battle Field 3.' Luke thought it over, and shook his head. He knew his brother would give him a faulty answer, just for the fun of it. He slowly got off of his bed and strided towards the bookshelf located directly past Chris. He grabbed the large 'Webster's New World Dictionary' and turned to go back to his bed. Unfortunately, he tripped and toppled onto Chris.
"LUKE!" screamed Chris, knocking his younger brother away. Luke went wide eyed. Chris went red in the face, and he stood to start chasing Luke. He stopped immediately, knowing Luke had asthma. Luke carefully walked back to his bed, a little shaken at the noise. There was another thing. Luke rarely spoke, not that he was shy or autistic, he just didn't. Also, he hated loud noises, mostly because he was scared easily. Chris took a seat to restart the level when he heard footsteps on the stairs.
"What's all the screaming about!?"shouted their mother, Mrs. Terostone. Chris thought for a moment and finally blurted out,
"I stubbed my toe!" A sigh of exasperation left Mrs. Terostone's mouth, and she retreated down the steps. Luke put his books in his backpack, and fell backward on his pillow, wanting some sleep. Within five minutes, Luke had fallen asleep and was snoring very lightly. Chris looked at him, and felt guilty for getting angry over something so stupid. His little brother wasn't just a brother. Luke was his friend. Chris put a blanket over his brother and left the room.
For some reason, Luke awoke a bit dazed. He rubbed his throbbing head and looked around, making sure he was still home. A white bed with a black blanket and red pillows. A 34" Tv with a game system hooked up to it, along with a desk and bookshelf.
'Good. I'm home. Just calm down.' Luke thought. Through blurred vision, he saw a smudgy shape enter the room. Chris. Or was it Chris? He really couldn't tell until he heard the voice. First, the figure leaned over him, then made a grim face. The shape broke out laughing. Definetly Chris.
"Dinner time bro!" Chris exclaimed. Luke got out of bed, his vision back to normal. He made his way down the steps, groggy from his afternoon nap. The dinner table had new table cloth, with elaborate yellow, orange, and green sprirals, along with a what seemed like a firework in the middle. His mother smiled.
"Do you like it Luke?"she asked, hoping he would talk to her. "I made it." Luke said nothing back, and sat down. Chris frowned at his mom, as if saying, 'I knew he wasn't going to.' Then, he gritted his teeth at the sight of the empty space. His dad had stayed late at the hospital again. Sure he was saving lives, but couldn't he save some time for family? Luke stared at his mashed potatoes for a while before choking them down. Ok, so his mom was beautiful at art, but cooking was a no go for her. That's where their dad came in. After four years of culinary school, then four for medical, their dad was ultimate. He stood and walked mysteriously up the stairs, clutching a book on wolves, which he adored.
Chris wasn't prepared for what happened when he returned to his room. Luke stood, staring out of their window. Chris approached him after 15 minutes, a little worried. Luke finally sat back on his bed. Chris figured he'd show Luke he was sorry for earlier, and grabbed a pecan- raisin cookie from the kitchen. Then,he dashed up the steps. He set the cookie, which Luke had never tried, on Luke's lap. Luke glanced at the cookie and picked it up. Luke took a bite and his face slightly turned pink.
Chris was worried now. Luke started to cough and weaze. Luke threw a hand to his throat, breathing unusually. Chris shook his younger brother, who looked like he was in pain. Luke stared at Chris, very scared. Luke fell unconscious in a heap on the floor. Chris picked up Luke's limp body and hurried down the stairs. His dad was still not home, and his mother was on the couch.
"MOM! LUKE!" Chris screamed. As quick as a hare, Mrs.Terostone leapt from the couch and ran to her two sons. In a panic, she grabbed her car keys and ran to their Ford F-150. Chris frantically followed, holding Luke. He cautiously put the unconscious Luke in the backseat and hopped into the passenger seat. Mrs. Terostone started the car and sped down the road. Chris almost cried at the thought of his brother in so much pain. Luke was still unconscious in the back, and that didn't bring Chris' spirits up one bit.
The car arrived at Morrison Medical Center. Mrs. Terostone exited the car in a hurry while Chris grabbed Luke, also trying to hurry. They rushed into the emergency center. Chris was panicking and yelled,
"Help! Please! My brother!!" A few doctors and nurses rushed to him. A doctor grabbed Luke and put him on a gurney while the nurses started to rush to a room. The doctors wheeled him into the room. Chris and his mother entered the room almost in tears. The doctor immediately looked at the two.
"Does he have any diseases or allergies?" he interrogated.
"Really. He just rarely speaks and doesn't like loud noises. Then there's asthma. Other than that, nothing I know of. And no, he's not autistic. " replied Mrs.Terostone. The doctor looked at Luke, then at Chris.
"You give him anything lately?"
"No. Just a pecan-raisin cookie. He never had one..." The doctor folded his arms and sighed.
"He must be allergic to pecans or raisins. Maybe both...." The nurses looked at the doctor. One ran out of the room to grab an epipen. She handed it to another nurse and she injected it into Luke. Chris stood shocked. Had he really caused this? He almost fainted himself. Instead, his stomach felt like a pit and his knees buckled. He fell to his knees, very upset. A nurse rushed to him, and led him to another room.
Chris lay on the hospital bed, still shocked and almost crying. His brother, his twelve year old brother, was going through this because of him. The nurse asked him a few questions, but he didn't respond. Feeling a burst of despair, Chris started to cry and wail. The nurse tried comforting him, but he just lay covering his face and sobbing. The nurse exited the room, to let Chris be. Chris managed to stop crying, but the memories replayed over and over in his head. He closed his eyes, trying to calm down, and fell asleep.
Luke awoke still feeling pain. He had a bad headache, and his throat felt dry. His mother leaned over him. When he looked her in the eyes, she let out a cry of joy.
"Luke!"she exclaimed while hugging him. Luke wasn't feeling the best. He coughed and grotesquely gagged. His mom smiled gently, and whispered, "It's all going to be alright." She took hold of his hand and sat. Luke pulled his hand away, and stared at the ceiling, not wanting to be touched. Mrs.Terostone looked down, dissapointed. Why her son? Why didn't he talk as much as other kids? Why was he scared so easily? Why was he obssessed with wolves? Why, why, why!? And to top it all off, he wasn't autistic, so what could it be? Luke might as well be diagnosed as an unsocial child!
Chris was having one of his many nightmares while asleep on the hospital bed. In the nightmare, was Luke, in a coma, about to die. Chris was crying in the corner of the room like a toddler. A beep filled the room inside the dream, which meant Luke had no heart beat. Chris was sweating and screaming in his sleep. A doctor different from before glanced at Chris and went to him. He tried to stop the screaming, but had no luck. So, he decided to either wake him up or....no.
The doctor went to the medicinal cabinet in the room, and found syrum that you inject to make a person -
WolfLove Noviceyou inject to make a person calm. He thought it over. The sweating, the shouting, the sadness- it all seemed ok for the medicine to control. Before he left, he grabbed earplugs and inserted them in his ears. He returned to the screaming Chris. He quickly gave the shot to the 15 year old. Slowly, the yelling began to die down and Chris was beginning to stop sweating. The boy breathed slowly and serenely and the doctor left, satasfied and thankful that he didn't have to listen to anymore wailing. Ok, it'd take a two or three days to wear off, but he would've done anything to stop that screaming!
Luke's doctor finally concluded that Luke was indeed allergic to pecans and raisins. Luke was permitted to leave when he felt ready. Really though, Luke was very much ready to leave, and he popped up from the bed. The doctor who had been in Chris' room entered and explained to Luke and his mother that Chris was asleep. Also, that Chris might be a little sluggish when he awoke from the injection. Mrs.Terostone nodded while Luke said or did nothing. The doctor crouched down to Luke, smiling.
"Hey buddy!"the doctor cheerfully said. Luke was as quiet as a mouse. His face looked grim and he strolled away, so he could see Chris. His mother let out a sigh as the doctor turned in her direction. The doctor could tell she was embarrassed by the way her cheeks turned a bit pink.She shrugged and jumped when her husband burst into the room, still wearing his M.D. clothes.
"Are you a doctor here?"asked the doctor.
"No. I work at Drover Medical."explained Mr.Terostone. "Is my son ok?"
"Yes. Luke is alright now. It's Chris to be worried about. 15 year olds aren't supposed to be screaming in their sleep and having recurring nightmares."the doctor replied. Mr. Terostone had a questionable look on his face. The doctor chuckled and began speaking again,
"Well. Since he was screaming ever so loudly in his sleep, I gave him a shot to help him calm down. The downside is that it take two or three days to wear off."
"Oh. Ok. Thank you."Mr.Terostone told him, and walked out of the room to go find Chris and Luke. Mrs. Terostone followed, wanting to check up on her son.
Chris was in bed sleeping when his family had come to check up on him. Mr. Terostone examined his snoozing son, and saw that he had in fact been sweating. Recurring nightmares, the doctor had said. Mrs. Terostone was sitting with Luke, who was drawing. She wished he would talk to her.
"Luke. Honey?"she said. Luke just kept drawing, but stood up. He walked out of the room in a bewildering way. Mrs. Terostone went after him, but he was nowhere to be seen. She began to search for her 12 year old son. It was very much like him to dissapear, but that was only at home. Never large places like a hospital.
Mr.Terostone stared at his son, waiting for him to awaken. He was as bored as a child in a bank. Finally, after the 2 hours since he had arrived at the hospital, Chris awoke. Mr.Terostone saw that he was a tad tired. Constantly rubbing his eyes and yawning. Just as the doctor had told him. Chris groggily met his fathers gaze, looking more tired than Mr.Terostone thought. He yawned and sat up on the bed. Mr.Terostone looked relieved he was up.
"How you feeling?" Once again, Chris yawned.
"Tired."replied Chris. Mr.Terostone had a feeling that was going to be his answer. Mr.Terostone could see that Chris was a bit more calm then he usually was too. Chris laid back down and fell back to sleep. Mr.Terostone had not seen his 15 year old do this in a while.
Mrs.Terostone was searching crazily for Luke. He had dissapeared as if he used magic. She saw several children who looked like him, but she knew she was looking for electric blue eyes that were as bright as the sea. That's what stood out for Luke. For Chris, it was how dark his eyes were. They looked as though they were black.
"Finally!"she gasped when she saw Luke staring at a doctor, who was calculating a child's average heart beat when they had teburculosis. Embarrassed once again, she pulled Luke away from the doctor. The doctor immediately said,
"Your kid is very smart you know. He just figured out a challenging equation. Smart indeed." Mrs.Terostone quickly looked at the doctor, and then Luke. Luke stood, extremely quiet, like in his own world. She smiled to say thank you and took Luke by the arm. The two strided away. The equation repeated in Luke's head. Fourteen multiplied by two times four plus seven. Simple, until you got to the next part. Ten times fifteen divided by three times four divided by two. Then add to the first
equations answer.
"Luke? Did you really figure that problem out?" she asked. As usual, Luke didn't reply. Mrs.Terostone was let down again by her son's silence. Strange was almost the best word to describe Luke. Aside from mysterious, grim, and silent. Luke had a feeling that he was every one of those words. Luke looked down when he spotted his bully from school, Freddy Parker.
The boy with stunning looks noticed Luke. His turquoise-green eyes gleaming, he exclaimed,
"Hey yo Luke!" Mrs.Terostone glanced at Freddy, full of hope. Did her son have a friend for real? The young boy looked nice with his cute little facial features. The amber-blonde hair and tannish pale skin made him adorable.
"You talk yet! Aw. Didn't think so!! Ha!!"Freddy laughed out. And there was Mrs.Terostone's answer. Not a friend, a bully. She and Luke continued on. Finally, they made their way back to Chris' room. He lay sleeping on the bed. Mr.Terostone saw they had arrived, and shook his head about Chris. Mr.Terostone heard Chris muttering in his sleep.
"Luke, don't let me...die...you don't die either." Now both parents were listening intently. "About..about...to...Luke...they're gonna shoot..." Luke stood thinking about what Chris had meant. Chris suddenly woke up, but very sleepily. His doctor appeared and told the family they were permitted to leave, but to watch Chris carefully since he was so calm and tired. As much as Chris didn't want to, he stood and immediately felt dizzy. He leaned onto the wall with an unbearable headache. He slid down the wall, moaning in extreme pain.
Luke watched in horror, but stayed quiet. Four nurses lifted him back onto the bed, and wheeled him out. His parents were left upset about Chris. They could hear voices calling out words like "stat" or "what did he." Other than that, they were left guessing what was wrong with their son. Mr.Terostone mentioned allergies, but allergies didn't affect the brain so powerfully.
Freddy stared at Chris as he was being pushed by. He knew this was Luke's older brother. What had happened to him? Freddy, for once, felt bad for Luke. A doctor saw Freddy and nodded.
"Sad for fifteen isn't it?" The doctors flew past, going to the x-ray room. The M.D laid Chris on the table for the x-ray. After the x-ray, they conducted an MRI. They compared the four photos from each machine. The doctors were all in a agreement, and were ready to tell Chris' parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Terostone were up as soon as the doctor walked in.
"Your son, Chris Terostone, has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. It's located to the right side of his brain. I'm so sorry." Mrs.Terostone broke into tears while Mr.Terostone crouched down to Luke, who didn't look very happy. The doctor sighed at the thought of the twelve year old going through this when he already didn't seem like the most normal child. He took Mrs.Terostone outside the room.
"Look, I know you're very upset about Chris, but Luke doesn't-"
"What! What about Luke!"Mrs.Terostone interrupted.
"Luke doesn't seem like a normal child. And this on top of it makes him worse. Would you consider seeing a thearpist and psychologist here?"Mrs.Terostone looked a bit shaken, knowing this man was correct. She nodded reluctantly.
WolfLove NoviceYou can try, but it could take a while."
"No matter how long it takes, we'll help." Mrs.Terostone went back into the room to get Luke, who was reading different books. One on wolves, and a book about the holocaust. She made him stand and exit the room. Luke opened his mouth, and then shut it quickly. The doctor noticed this, and raised an eyebrow, thinking that maybe the boy chose not to speak, which was strange. Mrs.Terostone did some quick explaining before handing Luke over to the doctor.
"Honey, don't be scared. Chris will be fine. I promise. You're going to go with Doctor Harris now ok? And everything will be a piece of cake!" Luke said nothing once again. Mrs.Terostone walked him over to the doctor, who was smiling warmly. Luke now stood beside him, reading. The doctor pat him and began to walk. Luke followed, but always stayed 13 inches behind Harris. Harris entered the elevator, but was left wondering after Luke examined the space before entering. The doctor raised an eyebrow when Luke pointed to the door right before it opened.
The two made their way out of the elevator, and into a large room with beige walls and grey carpet. Three long, leather chairs were placed in the center of the room. The doctor directed Luke to take a seat, and he did it, as quiet as a mouse. Finally, the doctor himself sat down with a pen and paper. After 10 minutes of silence, he asked Luke,
"So what sports do you like son?" Luke didn't look up from his book, as if he didn't hear the doctor. Wondering if it would help, the doctor turned on some serene music. Luke seemed like he wasn't paying attention one bit. The doctor wanted to pry the book from Luke, but before he could, Luke grabbed his hand in the air, and quickly let it go. The doctor scribbled this information on his paper. What could he do with the young child? There was questioning, ink blots, and hypnosis. All seemed like a long shot, but he had to try.
Dr. Harris approached Luke with a stop watch. Luke looked up, and when he saw the stop watch, he seemed confused. The doctor waved it right in front of him, and Luke followed with his eyes. The doctor smiled at his progress.
"Now Luke. You are getting very sleepy. Your eyes are going to feel heavier on every number as I count up to ten. Keep your eyes on the watch." Luke yawned like a bear. "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10." Luke's eyes shut closed right after "ten" slipped out of the doctor's mouth.The doctor smiled with satisfaction. Maybe he could finally make the boy talk. Unfortunately, Luke's eyes popped open before the doctor could say another word. The doctor looked a tad upset and left the room to find another way to make the boy talk. Luke smirked and continued reading his book.
Mr. and Mrs. Terostone burst into Chris' room, Mrs. Terostone in hysterics. Chris lay on the hospital bed, his eyes barely open. Mr.Terostone put his hand on Chris head, which was fairly hot. Chris groaned in extravagant pain, and Mr.Terostone very quickly pulled his hand away. Chris said something, but it came out muffled.
Mrs.Terostone, who was still crying, gave a hug to her son.
"Honey. Listen. We understand you're in pain, the reason being is that you have a brain tumor ok? We'll love you until you make it through alright? Hang in there.Not just for me, but for Luke too!" she explained. Chris very weakly nodded, trying to show he understood.
Freddy appeared in the room, and Mrs.Terostone looked annoyed at the sight of her son's bully. Freddy sighed, knowing she had witnessed his rudeness. He changed his gaze to Chris.
"Is he okay?" Freddy meekly asked. Mr.Terostone shook his head. Freddy apologized for earlier and Chris before leaving the room with his head down. For once in seven years, Mr.Terostone began to sob. His son, who he had most bonded with, could die right in front of him. That thought reminded him of Luke. How he had very rarely tried to talk to him or play a game of catch, as he always did with Chris. -
WolfLove NoviceAll done so far?
O_O I'm suppose to read that?!?!?! It's like doing a months worth of homework...
new girl 14 NewbieNice
WolfLove NoviceActually, I'm 12. And wrote that all in 4 days.
WolfLove NoviceGtg.
new girl 14 NewbieO bye
WolfLove Novice:D
Great writing. It's sooo awesome.
And in only 4 days. Great job. *applauds*
WolfLove NoviceWhy thank you.. ;)
are you going to do more???
WolfLove NoviceYes ma'am
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