I'm now talking ghetto-ish. x3
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: I'm now talking ghetto-ish. x3
No, I'm staying at least until my GTQ b-day. After that I wanna see if the site is better or worse..
Oh... ._.
I hope its better..
The other Tori is giving 'Tori' a bad name. -.- -
Me too.
I'm sorry... -
I hope the noobs all disappear, or just grow balls and get mature.
She's so fucking annoying. -.- -
Same, but hey. We were noobs once ourselves....
I know. 9.9 -
I know.. but noobs have grown very different from our time... x3
/sigh/ I'm now on gonna call her Victoria. Idgaf if she goes all prissy on me about her being called Tori, cause if we get in an arguement, I will tell her I was here before her and maybe she needs to change her name -.- -
I will to, that is, if I ever talk to her. :P -
:P Sorry I took so long, freaking computer had to be slow. x/ -
It's alright. :P
Ughhh... computer don't work then shower. xP And then CRCT. Can this day get any worse? ._.
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