Cheshire's freaking out.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Cheshire's freaking out.
Aww, he fell asleep. I find that so cute.*pets*
Sadly i have to go to church. I'll see you guys later. Bye! -
Bye, Silver. I'll be going, too. Cheshire stays here, seeing as how if I move him he'll wake up and then it'll be sad..
Bye, sleepy kitteh. Scorch. Mo-senpai.
*dips head*
*leaves* -
*petting* Bye you two. ^-^
Bye Mari. Geez, I need to make one of the others to take over. Being tired sucks.
*in sleep* Stupid human.. shred you..
*staring at Cheshire*
Moyashi, make me feel something please. -
Like what? .3.
Any emotion. Other than tired. I hate myself right now. -.-
Nevermind. I need to go. Bye.
*one last glance at Cheshire*
*leaves* -
Um okay. Listen to SuG when you get a chance. They make me feel happy.
*wakes up*
*rubs eyes with back of hand*
Ugh. Cheshire even dreamed about massacring that human. ^-.-^ -
Which one?
The one that thinks they can kill Mari.
A lot of then think they're tough
Cheshire can see that. But none have been that completely pointless with their stupid threats yet. Not to Cheshire, at least. That rat never even met Mari.
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