Today is C.C's birthday from Black Veil Brides.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Today is C.C's birthday from Black Veil Brides.
And I will meet him one day. True story bro.
I shall too.
^.^ I had a dream of Andy and his bandmates the other night, and I thought it was real so when I woke up I ran through my house screaming their names and when I didn't find them, and i realized it was just a dream i started crying.
Awh, poor Fp. :( This is why I love dreams, most of them are better then reality.
But of course, my mind is f---ed, so my dreams make sense maybe 30% of the time? The other 70% is just...confusion. Randomness. Weirdness. I had a dream once where I was in "Dinosaur Land"...yeah, don't ask. xD -
You mean Beirsack Land?! Me & my friend Brandi talk about that all the time. We're Rainbow Ninja Dino Unicorn Babies on Fire who are also zombie slayers xP dunt ask
Lol, no. That sounds like a fun place, though. :P Me and my friend made up the word "Yof" from a word search, and gave it the meaning "Killer unicorn."
Lol. Schweet man!! Sorry I was doing something
Lol, no problem. and yeah, we got bored in health class. xD
Brb -
xD kaikai
I return. xD
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