Greed:-.- That was dirty
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Greed:-.- That was dirty
Greed:*has shut up*
Finally.x3 Yo, Ling here. What's up?
Heph:*holding a chocolate brown kitten with blue eyes*Ello. -
Hi, nothing much you?
princesssarah NewbieHi!
Listening to music and trying to keep Greed quiet.xD
Heph:Not much.
Brown kitten:*yawns and meows*
Heph:Meet bear.:3 -
What did Greed even do...?
Awh~, hello bear! :3 -
Greed arranged this woman to try and get rid of me.
So yeah..
Heph: She was Alphonse til she found out she was a she.x3 -
Oh...well then....
Aw, cute kitty. :3
xD -
Heph:They are crazy...KISS AND MAKE UP
Heph:That shut them up.:3
Bear:*purrs* -
Teehee. xD
* salviette lacrima dagli occhi * ora che stato divertente. oh gatto! * cat * animali domestici buon gatto. che un buon gatto? che un gatto? s, tu sei, sei.
Ling:How can I kiss him he's inside of me..?
Greed:Why are you actually considering it, human?
So, how are you?Idk.. -
Oooh this is to good....xDD
I'm pretty good, yourself? -
S, sei un buon gatto, s sei, abbracci * I stretto il gatto * s s tu sei un buon gatto.
Bear:*doesn't speak italian just likes being petted*meow.
Heph: I'm good, just
Greed: I swear I'm getting rid of you..
Greed:I don't care, I'm Greed the Avaricious, I get what I want no matter what. -
Boredom is never good. :(
*pets Bear*
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