- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: ATTENTION.
I'll prove it.... See that man with the glasses? He'll die of a heartattack in 40 seconds.
*Man falls down*
Lucyheartfillia Novice.....
Lucyheartfillia NoviceWhat guy? Barney?
Amazing. Never would have guess you were Kira.
Mail_Jeevas NewbieYagami, we all know you're Kira. It's in your name.
No. The man who just died.
Right? Just cuz his name says it..
Greetings, Major Kira...
...oops, wrong Kira. -
Lucyheartfillia NoviceOh...
No I'm not Kira! This all a trick! You set me up!
Wait, what?
*Tries to keep the charade going*
Mail_Jeevas NewbieSure, then how come your freaking username that you came up with says you're Kira? Yeah, I definitely set you up. *rolls eyes*
@Matt I didn't make the account... L did....
L: Light you were easy to figure out...... Especially when your parents heard you yelling and laughing in your room.....
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