Calling all Kierra's
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Calling all Kierra's
@Kierra Cool I'm working on one (It's a love making song :P)
(ewwness) cool check out mine in the music forum
@Kierra Okay (Not ewwness awesomeness)
(uuuuuuuuuuuhhhh no........ewwneeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss)
I checked it out and it's good scratch that it's Grrrrrrreat :D (fine it's ewwwnesss to you)
(YAY) thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks
*Glares at Blue with a fire in my eyes* What?
@Kierra Okay -
*looks at ale* calm down
@Kierra Fine -_-
good boy
What? I ain't no good boy >:| *Glares at Kierra with fire in my eyes*
*gives ale a smirk* you are on bad boy
*Laughs evily*
*smirks evily and disappears*
*Takles Blue and puts my knife to her throught* What?
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