if uve heard anything about
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: if uve heard anything about
i am? *clueless look on face* hmmmm *looks at self in mirror* I AM!!!!
u ok hunter u says some weird things to me on another thread like imitating huner *i like pretty butter flies dancing on rainbows that unicorns barfed up yay* ok hunter i think u said that when u were out
i did?
yeah and i am serious and u dont want to know wat u said
(beastial our soap?)
and hunter stay cool
what did i say jessica?
uuuuummmm u sure u want to know?
ok if ur desperate then alright you said ummmm.....
lets see here...
you said some things about joseph and beast and then when i tried to wake you you said *no no do not kill m e voldemortQ!!!* and i said harry potter is old hunter and then you statted to growl like a cat and then i had enough and i slapped your face but u didint wake up and then i poured water on ur face
if u want to know what u said when u were out go onto gmail chat ok? -
my gmail is jessicaannboyd781 @ gmail. com (without the spaces)dont ask me why i did that cause i dont know oh well if anyone needs help then...
wat did she say...?
u really dont want to know beast if u ASK HER NICELY THEN MAYBES
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