- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: ._.
Actually, I think I can stay.
And now that I think about it... She isn't a grandma. -
Inn:No, I'm not.^^ *skims through book and writes something*
Yayz, you stay.:3 -
She's probably more of a great-grandma. Or a great-great-grandma.
Inn:-_- *continues writing*
xD -
Because when I think about it... No, actually more like great to third power.
Then again you aren't the motherly type so far... -
Inn: I have never been in a relationship, nor care to be. I am fine being a simple, godlike scientist.
Godlike? I have to admit, you don't look a day over forty, but not godly.
Inn:-.- I have the appearence of a twenty year old. And yes, I know everything, so I am godly.
Ehhhh... Not really... Do you know my middle name?
Inn:I don't care about trivial things. I know how to bypass equivalent exchange. I know how to cheat god himself.
Oh really?
But then you don't know everything! Ha! -
TheUltimateTruth NewbieDid someone call?
Inn: Why would I give a crap about your name!?! I can do anything I want, bring back the dead, create anything out of nothing!
Sensei's lost her marbles... -
.-. Itttsss baaaccccckk -
Now I has to go. Bye bye.
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