Soap anyone???
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Soap anyone???
"Yah, I guess so. But this place is like a giant bottle of purell. I can't smell anything but cleaning solution. We'll have to find it ourselves."
Lucyheartfillia Novice"ok, maybe, didn't you say that black hair dude said something to you?"
"He said he would help get us out... Tell me if you smell fruit!" I started running aroung and sniffing the air.
Lucyheartfillia NoviceI was looking around there were blue door yellow doors, pink doors. I felt a hand on my mouth, "mmmm!!!" I tried to scream. I smell FRUIT!!!
(i punched him.)
I picked up the smell, and started to follow it. I reached a hallway filled with different doors. I went back to normal me, because I couldn't see any cameras. "H-hello? Is anyone he-" I was cut off as a hand covered my mouth and pulled me into one of the rooms. -
Lucyheartfillia Novice"Mia, your here too!"
"MMMMFFFMMMMMAMFFFFAAAA!!!" The hand was still on my mouth, and in an attempt to get the person to go away, I morphed into a bear and made a roar-growl kind of noise. The person just laughed and walked away. I went back to normal "What's going on!?"
Lucyheartfillia Novice"I don't know?!" I said. "I'm here to rescue you girls!!" said the person. I looked at the person, it was the BLACK HAIRED GUY! "why? I thought you were hired too?!"
"Hey, are you the puppy?" He asked. I smirked, then morphed into the wolf pup. I changed back, then gave him a smart-alek smile.
Lucyheartfillia Novice"hahaha! So you are!" he said in a chuckle laugh. "so anyway, I came to get you got of here!"
"And you will do that how, exactly?"
Lucyheartfillia Novice"um...." the guy said thinking. "you don't HAVE a plan do you??" I said. I couldn't stop myself from laughing.
My head fell into my hands, and I was about to start yelling at the idiot when I had an idea.
"Well, what about if I morphed into a dog or something cute looking, and then Sarah just casually walked out with me and blended into the crowd? As soon as the New York crowd eats us up, we split up, and I morph into something big and scary so that I direct all attention to me while Sarah gets away. Then, once she's gone, I morph into another person, and pretend to be freaking out just as much as everyone else. Easy." -
Lucyheartfillia Novice"not half bad gorgeous!" he said winking at the Mia.
(this dude is a big flirt!)
I couldn't stop wondering what's this flirt dude's name? "um... What your name?" I asked -
I rolled my eyes at him, and he says, "Nate."
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