- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
I wait for the answer
"what did you see?" I am a little worried now-v
"weird" I say to myself. "wanna swim now " I grinned:victoria
"sure" I pick her up and throw her in. I run after in the water:Eric
we change into mermaid and merman -
(if this is a late post grrrg) -
We swam in the water making noise, a lot. Our tails were beautiful mine was Violet and his was blue..
we dived down 30ft and swam with the dolphins, my wave locket glowed
finally to end it I jumped our of the water and dived in.:V
we swam over to the rocky area and sat on them, tails in the water:E -
I Hear her I warn Victoria and we dive back in the water:E
I am now terrified:V -
we find a hidden spot to dry off, we turn human.
We go home, its late and we need to sleep
The next morning there are castle guards at our door -
Kai and the princess are there
"what do you want?":Eric
"to what?":V
(Bm our other soap with beastial, we are talking to you) -
"well what did the princess see. I have an idea lets put in in the paper that you ate breakfast!"
She woke me up I am pissed:V -
"What creatures?":E
if this is a late post then crap....
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