- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Stella turned at the voice, then blushed, feeling the blood rush to her face "Um, uh, you saw that?"
She facepalmed mentally, she was supposed to be hidden. -
"Yeah! That. Was. Amazing!" I smile "I thourght only Aang could airbend"
I saw the person bemd air so I go over to them
"That wa amazing! " -
"Wait, you can airbend? How can you do that?"
"I found her... Ozai" I was scared now I was in the firenation prison. "bring her in here..." he hissed. I was brought inside and I woke up. I backed up into the wall and he looked at me evilly. "you have a choice here violet.." I cringed as he spoke. "either bring me the avatar and work for me or die.." he said. "I'd rather die than work for you you monster!" I snapped at him.
"Well, um."She looked around, making sure no one else was around, then said "I-I was born an airbender. I thought I was the last till I heard about the Avatar.."
"Wicked!" I say.
(Will anyone play sokka!?)
"Cool I said
There was no water around so I couldn't bend my element. The air was dry.
(I can do sokka)
Toph:"Nice." I tell her. -
She nodded, then noticed Suki walking over.
"You didn't tell me-"She started, then looked at the others.
"No..because no one was supposed to know I was an airbender.."Stella muttered, sighing. -
"Well you can help us "
I turn and see....
Zuko -
"I kinda saw her" I say. "Lyrra!" I hear someone shout "You here" It is Zuko. "Sorry ladie gotta jet" I say. I run up the hill.
When no one was looking I slipped through the bars of the cell and bolted. I dodged every single guard. I was just about to run out when I ran into someone. I looked up and saw Firelord zuko. (I'm not taking him don't worry) I didn't trust the firenation so I bolted in the other direction. Then guards caught me and putr in a cell and licked me up.
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