So alone...
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: So alone...
Peeta: "WHAT?!?!" I start to panic. "is she ok?!?!" I ask
Me: I was pulled to the surface and I gasped for the air. But it hurt to much to breathe. I had a sharp rock sticking through my stomach. -
Xaiver: Well...uhh...yeah I ummm..think so....Fire is saving her by jumping of the cliff to go and get her...*thinks about what he just said* FIRE JUMPED OFF A CLIFF
Me: *flies higher* -
Peeta: ........
Me: we were flying up higher and higher. -
Me: *I see Xaiver, I fly to him*
Xaiver: Wow, I thought you were an angel but I never thought it literally
Me: *kisses Xaivers cheek* um..might want to help us a little with Violet -
Me: *falls unconscious from so much blood loss*
peeta: I run over and take the unconscious violet in my arms "wh-what cliff did she..." i couldn't finish the question -
Me: *pats Peeta's back* move back
Xaiver: Umm..Fire? What are you doing?
Me: You'll see *puts hand over wounds and they start to heal*
Xaiver: ...... -
Me: I feel the pain lift but I'm still unconscious
Peeta: I watch in shock and amazement -
Me: Peeta, we need the kiss of true love soo...just do your thing
Peeta: "ok" I say. I kiss violet passionately.
Me: I wake up almost instantly and I keep kissing peeta. -
Xaiver: *sweeps Fire in arms* You thinking what I'm thinking
Me: *kisses Xaiver passioonatly* Awnsers your question?
Xaiver: Yeah *smiles* -
Me: I pull away I fell terribly sore
Peeta: I notice she is really stiff so she must be sore... -
Me: I think I love you
Xaiver: I think I love you too -
Me: "c-c-can we got our stuff and leave this house. I'm still burning from that incident. Oh ya I got burned by his mother... *shows burn mark that is now red, puffy and blotchy*
peeta: I stare at the burn horrified. 'how could my mother do that to violet?' I think to myself. -
Me: *gazes into Xaivers eyes*
Xaiver: *smiles* -
(this us getting boring so let's wait till later Kay?)
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