So alone...
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: So alone...
wait hold on i have a pet wolf as well y'know the one in the photo anyway!
Ok, cool, wait I also want a pet hawk
I am a wolf!!! I don't need a pet!
99, 100! I got of the ground and stood up, brushing myself off. I was in a tight black tanktop and a pair of cargo pants with black combat boots. I stretched next to my compainions, Violet and Fire. Then i started jogging. We all had to keep fit to keep wining the small wars against the males...
I was jogging behind Frankie. I don't like the *shudders* males because they are just disgusting and nothing like us women!!! It's just.... Just ugh... Anyways I followed closely behind... I'm wearing a tight black tank with a black leather jacket. I'm wearing a tight mini skirt (I know but I had to) and I'm wearing knee high boots.
"The males won't win this war, their weak minds are so easy to penetrate" I say to my friends Violet and Frankie. I was wearing an old band-t-shirt that was baddly torn, a pair of black jeans and running shoes
"I agree, Fire" I said, still jogging. It was cold today, the other girls would probley be squirming in the middle of training. I sighed. "Soon this particular war will finish, then there will be the war against the 'other' race of humans we have to fight against."
"your right about that fire! The makes are nothing compared to us and the other females" I said with a disgusted tone in saying 'males'. I kept running behind Frankie and beside fire. They didn't know my secret of being a werewolf yet but I was going to tell them sometime.
"Ugh, I can't stand males, they all think that we're a bunch of weaklings that can't take care of themselves, I'll show them what we think of them, their going DOWN"
"Of course they are, they put this on themselves. They are the weaker sex while we are the stronger." I growled, jogging faster. I could see a black blur in the bushes. I knew exactly what it was.
I felt s growl coming from the back of my throte. It escaped and was loud enough for the two of them to hear. I stopped and they turned to me with looks of confusion on their faces. I froze. 'should I wait or should I tell them?' I asked myself in my mind.
" Volet" I could see something flying towards me, I smile at it
I feel a shiver run through my body 'no I can't change now!!!!' I yell at myself. I could tell they saw me shaking violently.
The black blur tackled me, i laughed as it licked me "hello my baby, you finished hunting big girl?" I asked her, my large pet wolf. Her name is Artemis, the maiden of the night.
(... i thought we went in order... ok...)
I looked at Violet "are you ok?"
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