Cheshire is Sick of....
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Cheshire is Sick of....
So he wants only people Mari would approve of to come in here.
Oh dear. No one Mari would approve of is here? Hm. Cheshire should be glad. No one is going to be cuddling him.
*whistling to self*
Aww, sorry bud. Didn't see it. *picks up Chessy* C'mon Mister Fluffly Chessy.
BTW I'm a unicorn.
Now wait, Cheshire never said pick him up!
Well, I just did. Too bad. *sits down and snuggles with Chessy* Now, I think I'll change your name to Mister Fluffypants, kay?
No, it is not okay! Cheshire's name is Cheshire! It shall not change!
Mari: Unless I change it.
Unless Maru changes- Wait! No! You can't change Cheshire's name, either!
Mari: Mkay. Selena, we'll have to take our leave soon. Not immediately, but... very soon.
-.- You can't change Cheshire's name. -
I was kidding. Cheshire's an epic name. I'mma get a cat and name him after you, Chessy. *kisses top of head*
*is kissed*
*flattens ears*
Good for you. Put Cheshire down now. ^-.-^ And yes. Cheshire's name is epic. -
Nu! *juggles Chessy* He's mine!
Cheshire assures you he is not yours.
Maru: Nope. He's mine.
Maru: Yay! He finally accepts it!
Cheshire is running away tonight. -.-
Maru: Good thing I bought that zap collar..
O.O -
He's definitely mine. He's my fluffly little sweet kitty.
Maru: NU. MINE, SELENA. -.-
o.o Cheshire's just gonna leave now... -
Chessy, if you stick with me, I'll take you out to sushi with me and get you any fish you want~
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