- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Hat.3.
You know how we missed our old soap characters, Like Gabe, Eclipse, Rontu, Callie, ect..
I was wondering if you wanted to, like, restart their stories and do it here.3. -
Yeah :D I'd really like that, but we wouldn't have to do everything the exact same way right?
Nope, don't have to do it the exact same way.xD
Because if we did, we'd need the saiyans. -
Oh, yeah. Okie doks.
So we begin? -
A girl with hair wheat blonde and eyes a milky brown walked silently through the forest, a blonde cat at her side, it's green eyes bright.
She wore a scarf wrapped around her neck, a hoodie, and a cat eared hat, along with jeans and tennis shoes.
The cat purred, rubbing against her.
Two girls sat at a cafe with their younger brother, laughing and talking.
They both had a slim, feline like build and appearence, but one hair white hair with pink streaks, while the other had black hair with green tips.
The boy had coppery hair and yellow eyes, and he stared silently out the window. -
A girl of only about five ran down the sidewalk. Her face was grimy and her hair hung like tangled string. It was obvious she hadn't had a bath in a while, but it was also obvious she had no problem being so. She was smiling and laughing, like any child her age, despite the disgusted stares she recieved.
Close behind was a young woman only ten years older then the younger she followed. She too was covered with dirt, and she too had not a care in the world. She focused on chasing her daughter through the streets, a game of tag they hoped would never end. -
The boy noticed people outside, a girl and a woman.
He blinked, and while his sisters where distracted snuck out, making sure his spotted tail was wrapped securely around his waist, and that his hair covered his flattened ears.
Satisfied, he watched them, following a bit, curious. -
They made their way out of the streets and toward a small dirt road that wound itself through the woods just on the edge of town. The girl tripped, and her mother, close on her tail, fell on top of her. They laughed, picking themselves up and catching their breathe under the shade of the large oaks.
Gabriel, as the boy was called, paused behind a tree, blinking.
Seeing as no one else seemed to be around, her unwound his tail and flicked his ears loose, and extended shiny copper claws, digging them into the bark and silently slipping into the branches. -
"What do you want for lunch, Callie?" the young woman asked, even though they both knew whatever it was they probably wouldn't get. "A cheeseburger," the girl, Callie, replied. "Stuffed with pickles, tomatoes, and onions."
The girls at the cafe noticed Gabe was missing, but stayed calm.
Blue sniffed the air once they got outside, taking with them Gabe's lunch and their drinks.
"This way."The girl with green said, and started where he was at. -
They sat in a dreamy state for a while, thinking of eating in the best resturaunt in town. Though they couldn't, it didn't matter. They still had a place to rest their heads at night and their garden to keep their bellies full.
"Gabriel?"Blue called, going onto the path and looking up in the trees. Blue had a bow in her green tipped hair.
"Meow~"Was the response from the tree. Ivory, the pink haired older teen, facepalmed, then blinked when she noticed Callie and her mother. -
Callie looked over at the two strangers, then looked over at her now sleeping mother. "Umm...hi." she said, not quite sure what to do.
Blue didn't notice her, and glared at the branches "Gabriel O'Nel Moon, if you don't get down-"
She stopped short as a cat leapt down from the tree, landing in front of her and grooming it's thick, long copper coat.
Ivory sighed, then said "Sorry if we were disturbing you."
She then yelped as the cat proceeded to swipe the bag of sandwhiches out of her hand and run over to Callie, purring.
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