- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: I LOVE MY FRIENDS. :'D
In response to this picture and statement:
A squirrel eating Nutella. Not something you see every day... Or any day, at that. Come to think of it, I haven't seen many squirrels recently. It's a bit odd, seeing as we always seem to have a plethora of them up here.
Izzy: I thought that was a cat?
27 minutes ago Like
Alana: Nope. See the tail and ears? Totally a squirrel. A cat would have also had whiskers and most likely no teeth showing.
26 minutes ago Like
Izzy: Ohhh. Well I feel smart xP
25 minutes ago Like
Alana: Haha.
23 minutes ago Like
Jason: maybe their all eating nutella in their trees
21 minutes ago Unlike 1
Alana: Because suddenly acorns aren't as satisfactory. xD Haha, soon processed goods will take over the planet and not a squirrel will touch a natural growing nut again.
15 minutes ago Like 1
Jason: that is genius
14 minutes ago Unlike 1
Alana: Ha, thanks. But you do realize, after the natural growing nuts aren't eaten they'll begin to overpopulate until they reach their carrying capacity... Then they'll just disappear entirely, for they will use up all of their resources. What a shame... All of that disaster for an equally spectacular treat. :P
13 minutes ago Like
Jason: also genius
12 minutes ago Like
Alana: c: Thanks! Now, tell me... If you were a scientist assigned to solve this apparent predicament, how would you go about doing so?
11 minutes ago Like
Jason: i wuld put acorns into nutella, fenius
11 minutes ago Like 1
Jason: genius
10 minutes ago Like
Alana: That's brilliant. That way they can still enjoy their newly acquired food staple while still maintaining balance in the ecosystem. That, my friend, is what I call genius.
10 minutes ago Like
Jason: thank u, yes, yes it is
9 minutes ago Like
Izzy: what if theyre allergic to chocolate?
9 minutes ago Like
Alana: Natural selection would run its course, Isabel. You're welcome.
8 minutes ago Like 1
Jason: then ill just put all acorons into a nutella box
8 minutes ago Unlike 1
Izzy: but then too many acorns and the predatrs of the squirrels would lose a food source.
7 minutes ago Like
Jason: not true
6 minutes ago Like
Izzy: true!
6 minutes ago Like
Jason: alright, whatever. alana?
5 minutes ago Like
Alana: But Isabel, you see, squirrels were never native to this area, which is why they have few (if any) real predators. Their absence would not effect the ecosystem whatsoever. If it did, it would be so subtle a change that we would only a slight difference. We have a lack of predators nowadays anyhow.
4 minutes ago Like 1
Jason: holy crap
4 minutes ago Like
Izzy: Wrong. The RED squirrels aren't native. And the coyotes are still around lat ive heard.
4 minutes ago Like
Alana: So I deem Isabel's comment irrelevant to the task at hand, seeing as squirrels are rarely preyed on to begin with.
4 minutes ago Like 1
3 minutes ago Like
Jason: coyotes, have a number of prey, not just squirrels
3 minutes ago Like
3 minutes ago Unlike 1
Jason: well, i didnt start it....
2 minutes ago Like
Alana: I never said they were native. In all honesty, squirrels did not originate in this given area. Coyotes are still around, yes, but not in such a concentration where they could put any restraint on the populations of the so called 'prey'. In any sense, if you were a coyote would you choose a rabbit or a squirrel? I would choose a rabbit. They can't climb trees.
2 minutes ago Like 1
Alana: Life is full of distractions. It's how we handle them that partially defines who we are. Exactly. Jason didn't start this debate. It was, I believe, you who turned a discussion into a sort of "argument", for lack of a better word, Izzy.
about a minute ago Like -
Modified so I didn't give out personally info.
^^ Please read this. Pretty, pretty please. It'll bring a smile to your face, I hope.
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