Everyone has a special place in my heart :D
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Everyone has a special place in my heart :D
Zomgirl I made the thread it's called 'zomgirl come on here!' you can come now!
AZY Junior
Hi Azy haven't talked with you in like forever!!!
AZY Juniorikr it feel like u left me.. jk lol
Awww I'm sowwy!! Anyway how are you?
AZY Juniorit's okay. i'am very good and you?
I'm just fine either the fact that my little sister pushed me off the back of my couch. I landed on my back and it knocked the wind outta me. I can't really sit down with out wicking in pain. But other than that I'm fine!
AZY Juniorawww i'am so sorry hunter, u feeling okay?
Ya I'm fine just my back hurts a little. I'm going to have trouble riding the horses tomorrow (I go to horse lessons, I ride western what about you do you ride horses if so what style do you do?)
AZY Juniorno i don't ride horses but i always wanted to ride a light brown horse.
Cool. I've always wanted my own horse and it would of been an Arabian jet black mare.
AZY Juniorblack horses scare me a bit! O.O
you like skatterbrain -
No!!! Black horses are beautiful. Their fur shines in the sun and moon.
AZY Juniori love white horses nd tan horses.
yes u do!!!! -
No I don't!!!
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