Another soap idea...
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Another soap idea...
(Here still? I don't know how long I have this time, but..)
Sorta here, but I have a headache so eh.
(If you don't want to soap right now, it's fine. Don't hurt your head anymore..)
(Now? If it's okay, I'd like to make it so our charries have not yet met.)
Storm glared at the wall, ignoring the guards who jerked her towards the police car. She growled irritated words to the voice in her head, letting them pull her away from the bloody scene.
I blame you. Of all times to come out!
It was going to happen eventually. That chick was pissing me off. -
I wanna play~
Mokona's voice rung in her head.
Yachiru shook her head, her red-orange-pink tinted curls falling in front of her eyes.
That's what got us here in the first place.. -
You can't possibly be mad at me for this. You know she was asking for it. I'm surprised you weren't the one to-
"Shut up! The point is, you did! I didn't!" Storm yelled, not realizing she had said it out loud. The officers in the front seat looked back at her, eyes questioning her sanity.
"Kid, you okay?" the one in the passenger seat asked, looking concerned.
"Fine." she hissed through her teeth.
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