Is anyone here...
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Is anyone here...
And yesh. Yesh they are, Fire.
Yep, favorite band. ^^
That is quite good. Cuz I can't stop playing their music right now. I may switch to some Ecape the Fate a few hours into the future. :3
That's good too. Both bands are awesome. I'm listening to ETF right now. ^^
:O Frightening coincidences..
My friend called me crazy because I like screamo. ;~;
>.< I almost punched her. -
Almost? All of my friends like screamo. At least.. the one's who I haven't hit yet.
It is immensely enjoyable! I apologize for my last posts, for my computer is being a real pain.
Nope, just a party. -
Well, my friends all like the mainstream shit. Only one of my friends like some rock bands, Like TDG, The Used...
No problemo, Lanana.
The Used!! Oh my god, I've been meaning to listen to Pretty Handsome Awkward again for the LONGEST time. Thank you for reminding me. :3
You mean the soap, Alana? -
No problem. ;)
She's always telling me "The blonde guy is sooooooooo hot!" xD -
I really don't understand all the mainstream stuff. It's not music anymore- it's machines and half-naked people prancing around on a stage. It hardly seems like entertainment. I'm not saying screamo is an ocean of culture, but it's enjoyable and rarely is completely mechanized.
I don't get the thing with LMFAO and Ke$ha and all those other things that I honestly don't count as music. I won't state the obvious ones, they'd burn my fingers to type. -
But they always say stuff like "Well, the people you listen to are emo. They wear to much make-up. They do this, they do that." 9_9
Honestly, half the mainstream stuff is autotune and loads of make-up on, like you said, half-naked people.
Not all of it is bad. Like, I don't mind Adele. -
Oh no, Adele is my savior. She has shown me that there is still hope for people with actual talent, who don't need to wear inappropriate clothes all the time just so people will look at them. I'm on her side all the way.
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